University Gender Report
The Gender Balance Sheet is a document which aims, on the one hand, to describe in detail the distribution by gender of the various components of the University, as well as the participation of women and men in the University's management bodies; on the other hand, it aims to monitor institutional actions and policies in favor of gender equality and evaluate their impact.
It is the fundamental tool for integrating gender equality into the broader development strategy of universities.
Gender Equality Plan (GEP)
Due to the peculiarities of the research sector, specific actions are needed to overcome the many structural barriers to gender equality still present in research and innovation. With this in mind, in October 2021 the University of Parma approved the first Gender Budget and the first Gender Equality Plan (so-called GEP) of our University. These are two important documents which, together, have the aim of giving concrete implementation to the statutory values and principles of equality and valorisation of gender differences and which contribute to implementing - to better define it - the university strategy on equal opportunities . The Gender Report intends to offer an analysis of the data, segregated by gender, relating to our university context, in order to highlight the areas (courses of study, disciplinary fields, sectors, functions, roles, tasks etc.) in which there is a a situation of tendential equality or, on the contrary, a clear gender imbalance. The document, periodically updated, will allow us to identify targeted and effective corrective measures to resolve the critical issues highlighted from time to time and to help overcome the gender gap.
In light of the data that emerged in this first Gender Report, the University of Parma has prepared the first Gender Equality Plan, a programmatic document containing the concrete actions that the University will have to implement, over the next three years, to overcome the gender gap in the local reality and allow the valorization of all the diversities linked, for example, to variables such as age, culture, sexual orientation. With the approval of the Gender Budget and the GEP, the University of Parma demonstrates its commitment to ensuring that gender equality, an important global challenge for contemporary democracies, can be concretely affirmed, in every area and at every level.