Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Event description

Abstract: The realization of effective quantum error correction protocols remains a central
challenge in the development of scalable quantum computers. Employing highdimensional
quantum systems (qudits) can offer more hardware-efficient protocols
than qubit-based approaches. Using electron-nuclear double resonance, we implement
a logical qubit encoded on the four states of a I = 3/2 nuclear spin hyperfine-coupled to
a S = 1/2 electron spin qubit; the encoding protects against the dominant decoherence
mechanism in such systems, fluctuations of the quantizing magnetic field. We explore
the dynamics of the encoded state both under a controlled application of the fluctuation
and under natural decoherence processes. Our results confirm the potential of these
proposals for practical, implementable, fault tolerant quantum memories.


Prof. Arzhang Ardavan
Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK

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