Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries
First cycle-degree in Global studies for sustainable local and international development and cooperation L-37 (taught in English and blended modality)
The course aims to equip students with the fundamental knowledge and methodological tools necessary to analyze, understand, manage and illustrate the complex dynamics linked to international cooperation and social and territorial development, both at a local and international level; the aim is to prepare professionals who can face the complex and dynamic challenges of international cooperation, contributing significantly to initiatives and projects that promote sustainable development and global equity.
Second-cycle degree course in Storia, critica e linguaggi delle arti e dello spettacolo LM-65 e LM-89
The master's degree course aims to provide the specialized knowledge required in managerial roles in the world of art and entertainment and is therefore intended for those who intend to become an expert in the history and criticism and valorization of the material and immaterial arts, in dialogue with a reality rich in institutions and artistic events such as the city of Parma and its territory; It also allows access to teacher training courses and further levels of training. The central moment of the training course is the internship or the laboratory, both intended, as highlighted by the Steering Committee of the course, as fundamental activities for the verification of the knowledge and skills acquired, as a moment of training comparison with the problems and practices of historical research , conservation, curation and promotion of cultural heritage, and as an integrative teaching tool.
Department of Industrial Engineering Systems and Technologies
Second-cycle degree course in Innovazione organizzativa, digitale e amministrativa della P.A. LM-63 (blended)
The master's degree course, which is aimed mainly at graduates in engineering, legal sciences, economic sciences and social sciences, aims to provide advanced cultural and professional training relating to organizational, digital, managerial and administrative innovation, preparing students to hold managerial roles or positions of high responsibility within public institutions, as well as in private companies and associations operating in sectors that require interactions with public bodies. In order to allow students to develop a complete understanding of business dynamics and contemporary and future management challenges of the Public Administration (P.A.), thus preparing them to successfully face the complex needs and challenges of the professional world, the involvement of scientific sectors appears essential -disciplinary subjects belonging to different areas of the Departments involved in the project. Furthermore, the post-graduate training course can be developed into research doctorates in the engineering, legal, economic or social sciences fields, and/or into master's degrees that specialize in the topics covered by the course.
Department of Food and Drug
Second-cycle degree course in Advanced molecular sciences for health products LM-54 (taught in English)
The course of study, which will be delivered in the vehicular English language, is of an international nature and includes qualifying teaching activities, including laboratory ones. It is therefore in line with the objective of internationalization as the delivery of the course in English, by its nature, favors access to European and non-European students and participation in international mobility programs for students and teachers, while increasing the the already significant international attractiveness of the Department and the University, also through participation in international bidirectional mobility programs and the increase in the number of international agreements.
The new master's degree also intends to strengthen the integration between research and teaching activities and, in particular, enhance the highly qualified training offer in order to improve the attractiveness of students, transferring the technological and content innovation that accompanies the project.
Department of Economics and Management
Second-cycle degree course in Data Science for Management (taught in English)
The degree offers an international, highly interdisciplinary training path, which is halfway between a traditional path of data science, artificial intelligence or big data analysis typical of the mathematical-IT field. However, the skills required for the data scientist profile are highly interdisciplinary and, on this basis, the proposal to establish the master's degree course at the University of Parma is based.