Transfer application To transfer to another university, you must: find out about the rules and deadlines at the university to which you wish to transfer (incoming transfer application deadline, possible admission test and other deadlines); be up to date with tax payments; If you have already paid the enrolment fees for the current academic year at the University of Parma, in the event of transfer you may request a refund of the amount paid (excluding regional tax and virtual stamp duty). If you transfer to another university in Emilia Romagna, however, you are exempt from paying the regional contribution, if this has already been made. submit the application online from your Esse3 web page and pay the tax stamp which the Student registry office will make available in the payment section of your Esse3 web page once the application has been verified; if the course in which you are interested is subject to programmed access in addition to the documents mentioned above, you must also provide the authorisation issued by the university of destination; The academic booklet, if withdrawn, must be returned to the Student registry, while the Student Card should NOT be returned. The possible recognition of credits previously acquired is the sole responsibility of the university to which the transfer is made. Student Guide PDF guida_domanda_trasferimento_in_uscita.pdf