"5xmille" for the University of Parma
Strengthening the capacity to welcome (especially for housing) and serve students keeping in mind the fundamental objectives of right to study, equal opportunities and inclusion: this is the University of Parma's choice and commitment for the use of the funds that will be collected through the "5xmille" 2024 (Irpef 2023).
One of the main purposes that has always animated the University of Parma is to welcome and accompany all female and male students in their course of study by providing skills and services that can promote their inclusion of the university community.
What do we do with it
The University pledges that funds raised in 2024 will be used to increase the number of accommodations offered by the University and to foster the inclusion of students in the university community.
In 2023 more than 1.750 taxpayers decided to allocate their "5xmille" to the University of Parma.
How, where and when
To support our University, simply (within the tax return form, possibly pointing it out to your accountant or CAF) sign in the box “Funding to scientific research institutions and university” and indicate the tax code of the’University of Parma:
It costs nothing
The amount owed will still flow into the state coffers if one does not express one's choice. It works with the same mechanism as 8xmille, but it is not an alternative: one can continue to allocate part of the taxes to religious denominations.