According to Article 15 of Law 183/2011, in force since January 1, 2012, Public Administrations and Public Service Managers can no longer request or accept certificates produced by other public offices from private individuals. In these cases the citizen must self-certify the possession of the required requisites.
Public Administrations and Public Service Managers (including Orders) are obliged to accept self-certifications, under penalty of violation of official duties.
Moreover, the decree-law no. 76/2020, (converted into law no. 120/2020) introduced a novelty (to articles 2, paragraph 1, and 71, paragraph 4, of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000) on declarations in lieu of certification, which are a documental simplification measure not only in relations between citizens and public administrations or public service providers, but also in relations with private individuals. Individuals are required to accept the substitute declaration and may request, with the consent of the declarant, a check from the administration responsible for issuing the relevant certification, which is required to provide written confirmation, also by means of computer or electronic tools, of the correspondence of what has been declared with the results of the data in its possession.
In compliance with this rule, the University of Parma issues only stamped certificates that are valid and usable only in relations between private individuals, on which the wording required by law is printed: "This certificate may not be produced to public administration bodies or private managers of public services".
In order to obtain the GRANTING OF CERTIFICATES WITH REVENUE STAMPS, students and/or graduates may send a specific request (FORM A13) by e-mail to their Student Registry Office it is necessary to forward the request from your institutional email address or, alternatively, attach a copy of your identification document.
The Registry office will debit the amount of the stamps due in the web profile, to be paid virtually via PagoPA (one stamp for the request and a further stamp for each certificate requested will be debited: by law, a charge is made for every four pages).
Once the payment has been received, the Registry office will send the required document by email.
It should be noted that certificates for use abroad are issued ONLY WITH REVENUE STAMPS: if a certificate is requested with the signature of the delegated administrative officer, the issue of the certificate may not be immediate.
Incomplete requests will NOT be processed.