Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

What is that

Forfeiture of studies is a qualification that results in the student being unable to continue the university career he or she started. A student forfeits his or her studies when one of the following conditions occurs:

- Students enrolled in a degree course in the Old Order (prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99) or in reformed degree courses (Ministerial Decrees 509/99 and 270/04) prior to academic year 2013-14:

They forfeit their status as students, according to the previous University’s Teaching Regulations (issued by R.D. no. 565 of 9 February 2009 and subsequent amendments, Art. 28 - c. 5), if they do not sit examinations for EIGHT consecutive academic years.

  - Students enrolled as of academic year 2013-14:

Students who do not sit examinations for twice the number of academic years as the duration of the course LEAVE their student status (Art. 32 - c. 6 "University’s Teaching Regulations, issued by R.D. no. 3496 of 22/11/2013, published on 03/12/2013).

 For both conditions, a student who owes only the final examination does NOT forfeit and the educational credits acquired during university studies are certified in the forfeiture decision for any subsequent consideration.

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