Documentation required for compilation
Italian Students
To submit an application, it is essential to be in possession of the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) for subsidized benefits for the right to university study (ISEE 2022) which is the tool for assessing, through unified criteria, the economic situation of those who apply for subsidized social benefits and is calculated on the basis of the composition of the household, income and assets owned.
Certifications of ORDINARY ISEE not applicable to subsidized benefits for the right to university study will not be accepted.
The current regulations on ISEE (Presidential Decree No. 159 of December 5, 2013, as amended, D.M. Nov. 7, 2014, D.M. 363 of Dec. 29, 2015, Law May 26, 2016 - Art. 2 sexies - Conversion into law, with amendments, of D.L. March 29, 2016, No. 42, D.M. 146 of June 1, 2016 and D.M.138 of April 13, 2017, Decree-Law No. 147 of September 15, 2017 and Decree-Law No. 4 of January 28, 2019 converted by Law No. 26 of March 28, 2019, Decree-Law No. 34 of April 30, 2019 coordinated with Conversion Law No. 58 of June 28, 2019, Decree-Law No. 101 of September 3, 2019 coordinated with Conversion Law No. 128 of November 2, 2019; Ministerial Decree Aug. 9, 2019 implementing Article 10 of Legislative Decree Sept. 15, 2017, No. 147 on Pre-filled ISEE Attestation) provides for a specific ISEE for benefits for the right to university study; Decree of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy July 5, 2021 (published in the Official Gazette No. 203 of Aug. 25, 2021 (current ISEE extensive modalities).
In particular:
The reference household in the case of ISEE for benefits for the right to university study:
1. In the presence of parents living with the student who applies for it, the calculation of ISEE for benefits for the right to university study usually coincides with the ORDINARY ISEE; in this case, the ISEE Statement must specify that it applies to subsidized benefits for the right to university study in favor of the student concerned;
2. In the presence of parents not living with the applicant student, the applicant himself/herself is part of the parents' household, unless both of the following requirements are met:
a) residence outside the housing unit of the family of origin, for at least two years from the date of application of the DSU, in housing not owned by one of its members;
b) income of the student, from employment or assimilated employment, tax declared, for at least two years, not less than 9,000 euros per year.
3. If the student is married, reference is made to the new household, only if it meets the residency requirements (bed. a) and where the threshold for adequacy of income capacity (lett. b) is reached, taking into account also or only the incomes of the university student's spouse or cohabitant under de facto cohabitation (art. 1 paragraph 36 L. 76/2016) registered with the municipality of residence. In this case, for the assessment of the adequacy threshold of income capacity, the spouse's income of the previous two years may be taken into account, even if in the previous two years the student was not yet married or cohabiting under de facto cohabitation (Art. 1 Paragraph 36 L. 76/2016) registered with the municipality of residence.
The rules of spouses, pursuant to current legislation (Law No. 76 of May 20, 2016), also apply to each of the parties to the same-sex civil union.
4. Parents of the applicant student who are not cohabiting with each other are usually part of the same household, with some exceptions:
a) Spouses who have different registered residence constitute separate households only in the following cases: (a1) when a judicial separation has been pronounced or a consensual separation has been approved in accordance with Article 711 of the Code of Civil Procedure, or when separation has been ordered in accordance with Article 126 of the Civil Code; it is clarified that spouses remain in the same household, even following separation or divorce, if they continue to reside in the same dwelling; if the separation or divorce took place after the date of 01/09/2018, the change of residence must be certified by the appropriate local police reporta2) when the different residence is allowed as a result of the temporary and urgent measures referred to in Article 708 of the Code of Civil Procedure; a3) when one of the spouses has been excluded from the parental authority over the children or has been adopted, pursuant to Article 333 of the Civil Code, the measure of removal from the family residence; a4) when one of the cases referred to in Article 3 of Law No. 1 December 1970, no. 898, and subsequent amendments, and an application for dissolution or termination of the civil effects of marriage has been filed; a5) when there is abandonment of the spouse, ascertained in court or by the public authority in charge of social services.
b) The parent not living in the household, not married to the other parent, who has recognized the child, shall be part of the child's household, unless one of the following cases occurs: (b1) when the parent is found to be married to a person other than the other parent; (b2) when the parent is found to have children with a person other than the other parent; (b3) when the payment of periodic allowances intended for child support has been established by a court order b4) when there is exclusion from the parental authority over the children or the order of removal from the family residence has been adopted in accordance with Article 333 of the Civil Code; b5) when it is established in the court or by the public authority in charge of social services that there is estrangement in terms of emotional and economic relations. In the cases referred to in letters b1) and b2), the ISEE is supplemented by an additional component, calculated on the basis of the economic situation of the noncohabiting parent, according to the modalities set forth in Annex 2, paragraph 2, integral part of Prime Minister's Decree No. 159 of December 5, 2013.
To apply, it is essential to be in possession of the ISEE Attestazione ISEE per prestazioni agevolate per il diritto allo studio universitario (ISEE 2022), with the INPS protocol number (e.g. INPS-ISEE-2022-XXXXXXXXX-00), signed by the deadline of the online application. To obtain the ISEE statement, the student can apply to INPS, CAF (Tax Assistance Center) or the municipality and must specifically request the ISEE calculation for benefits for the right to university study or can use the pre-filled ISEE that can be requested on the INPS website. This service makes it possible to telematically submit the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) and obtain the ISEE statement quickly and easily and from the comfort of home. It is important to take timely action to obtain the new ISEE Attestation for benefits facilitated for the right to university study, since from the date of the request it can take up to 15 days before you have the INPS protocol number needed to complete the application online.
It is possible to apply using the CURRENT ISEE issued on the basis of the ISEE 2022 Attestation valid for benefits for the right to university study. Before applying for the calculation of the CURRENT ISEE, the ISEE 2022 Attestation valid for benefits for university study right must have already been signed.
Ordinarily, ISEE refers to income and assets in the second calendar year preceding the DSU. In some situations, in the presence of significant changes in income or assets, or as a result of adverse events (e.g., loss of employment termination of social security, welfare and compensation benefits), these incomes and assets do not reflect the real economic situation of the household. In the cases of a change in the employment situation or interruption of treatment of one of the members or a change in the overall income situation of the household that is 25% higher than the income situation identified in the ordinarily calculated ISEE, a current ISEE is therefore given. This indicator is based on the income of the last twelve months (even only the last two months in the case of a component for which there has been an interruption of treatments not included in the total income for IRPEF purposes or a permanent employee for whom the loss, suspension or reduction of employment has occurred). Even in the event of a reduction in the total assets of the household of more than 20% compared to the asset situation identified in the ISEE calculated ordinarily, the possibility is given, as of April 1 of each year, to calculate a current ISEE on the basis of assets owned as of December 31 of the year preceding the year of submission of the DSU.
In order to apply for the current ISEE, it is therefore necessary:
1. possession of a current ISEE;
2. the occurrence of one or more of the following situations (A, B, C, D).
Variation D can be alternative to variations A, B and C or can be cumulated with them.
Variations A, B, and C must have occurred after January 1 of the income reference year of the routinely calculated ISEE whose replacement with current ISEE is sought (e.g., for DSUs submitted in 2022, the variation must have occurred after January 1, 2020).
The changes taken into account for the purpose of applying for current ISEE are as follows:
A) Permanent employment and/or exempt treatment:
- permanent employee for whom there has been a termination or suspension of employment or reduction of employment;
- component who has found employment, during the validity period of a current ISEE, as a permanent employee;
- component for whom there has been an interruption of social security, welfare and allowance benefits that are not included in total income for IRPEF purposes;
- component for which, during the period of validity of a current ISEE, the receipt of social security, welfare and indemnity treatments not included in the total income for IRPEF purposes began;
B) Fixed-term employment or self-employment:
- fixed-term employee or employed under flexible contract types, who is currently not employed, (see instructions);
- member who has found employment, during the period of validity of a current ISEE, as a fixed-term employee or employed with flexible contract types; - self-employed, not employed on the date of submission of the DSU (see instructions)
- component that has started its own activity, during the period of validity of a current ISEE, as a self-employed worker;
C) Significant changes in total income: change in the total income situation of the household that is 25% higher than the income situation identified in the ISEE calculated ordinarily;
D) Significant changes in total assets (this change can be claimed as of April 1 of each year): change in the total asset situation of the household greater than 20% between what was owned on December 31 of the previous year and what was identified in the ISEE calculated ordinarily (2 years earlier).
- from January 1 to March 31 of each year, the possibility of updating for the purpose of the current ISEE only income and not also assets remains firm;
- from April 1 of each year, on the other hand, it will be possible to update only assets, only income or simultaneously assets and income.
If only incomes are updated, the current ISEE is valid for six months from the time of submission of the DSU (Form MS), unless there are changes in the employment situation or in the receipt of benefits, in which case the current ISEE must be updated within two months of the change.
In the event that only assets or assets and income are updated the current ISEE is valid until December 31 of the year in which the DSU (Form MS) is submitted. If during the period of validity of the current ISEE, in which also or only the income component has been updated, there are changes in the employment situation or in the use of treatments, the current ISEE must be updated within two months of the change.
If the ISEE Statement used to apply for ER.GO benefits contains ANNOTAZIONI, it is necessary to go back to INPS, the CAF (Tax Assistance Center) or the municipality to sign a new complete and correct DSU to replace the one containing omissions/disparities or download the pre-filled ISEE independently on the INPS website. Once in possession of the regularized ISEE, it is necessary to communicate it to ER.GO by refilling the ECONOMIC DATA section with the INPS protocol related to the ISEE without omissions. Failure to submit the ISEE without omissions within the deadline indicated in the email, which will be sent to the email address upon confirmation of the online application, will result in the initiation of the procedure to revoke eligibility for benefits, with the obligation to produce within a set deadline suitable documentation regarding the omissions/diformities detected, under penalty of ineligibility.
For more information regarding ISEE, you can consult the GUIDE to ISEE 2022 a.y. 2022/23 published on
The Company in accordance with the principles of simplification and dematerialization of administrative activity and economy of management must give priority to an online communication service with confidential access, reliable, secure and respectful of the rules on the protection of personal data. For this reason, all information related to benefits, from the outcome of the evaluation of applications to the mode and timing of disbursement of the scholarship and other monetary interventions, is conveyed through the USER DOSSIER.
International Students
To apply for benefits for the academic year 2022/2023, students referred to in this paragraph must submit the documentation regarding economic and property conditions abroad referring to the year 2021, complete, translated and legalized through USER DOSSIER by the deadline for finalizing the application November 5, 2022, under penalty of ineligibility for benefits.
For information on how to translate and legalize international documents, consult the Foreign Ministry website at this address:
The University and ER.GO reserve the right to request during the year the original paper documentation, submitted through USER DOSSIER, for control purposes.
You are reminded that students who fill out the benefits application at a Caf affiliated with ER.GO are also required to submit complete, translated and notarized documentation of economic and property conditions via USER DOSSIER by the deadline November 5, 2022, under penalty of ineligibility.
The documentation to be submitted is as indicated in the following paragraphs.
Documentation required of international students from countries outside the European Union.
International students from countries outside the European Union must submit documentation of economic and property conditions issued by the competent authorities for the territory where the income was generated and where the assets are held. The documentation must be translated into Italian and legalized by the competent Italian diplomatic authorities or, where required, apostilled in accordance with current regulations.
In the case of countries in which there are particular difficulties in issuing the certification attested by the local Italian Embassy, the documentation may be replaced by a certificate in the Italian language issued by the Embassy or a Consulate in Italy of the country of origin, legalized by the Prefecture with territorial jurisdiction.
For information on how to translate and legalize international documents, consult the Foreign Ministry website at this address:
In any case from the documentation it must appear:
a) the composition of the household: certificate stating the composition of the family of membership. For the composition of the household, the rules laid down in the regulations ISEE for benefits for the right to university study apply.
Special Situations
Family status with only one parent present:
- in case of divorce: the divorce decree or court document is needed if separation is pending;
- in case of death: death certificate is required if not already submitted to the Company in previous academic years;
- the student was not recognized by the father: the student's birth certificate is needed;
- a parent is untraceable: certification of untraceability made by the competent authorities is needed;
- presence of a guardian in the family status: it is necessary to present deed of appointment of guardian from the competent authorities;
Student is an orphan of both parents: it is necessary to submit death certificates of both parents if not already submitted to the Company in previous academic years;
Presence in the family status of adult married siblings: the marriage certificate must be submitted or the sibling's marital status must be specified in the family composition certificate;
Presence in the family status of siblings/sisters of age who are not cohabiting with the family of origin: the certificate of residence of the noncohabiting sibling/sister must be presented or it can be specified in the certificate of family composition.
(b) the activity exercised by each member of the household in 2021, including siblings/sisters of full age. In cases where some members do not engage in any activity, the non-employment status or unemployment status and the amount of unemployment or similar benefit received, if any, must be shown in the documentation;
c) the period of employment of each component (indicating whether it is less or more than six months during 2021);
d) the value of income earned in the year 2021: certification issued by public administration responsible for tax administration showing the total gross income (including taxes) from work or pension received by each of the adult members of the household in the calendar year 2021.
Special situations
If you do not have the above certificate, one of the following documents may be submitted:
- Certificate issued by the employer showing the salary received in the calendar year 2021 (January to December) including taxes;
- Last paycheck (December 2021) only if it shows the total income received in the year 2021;
- All 12 monthly pay stubs of income received in the calendar year 2021, if the last pay stub does not show total income;
e) Buildings: certification of all buildings owned as of December 31, 2021 by each of the members of the household with an indication of the area in square meters. Specifically:
Dwelling house: owned: the certificate of ownership with the surface area must be submitted. In all other cases (lease agreement, free use, etc...), an appropriate statement issued by the competent authority stating that no member of the household owns property must be attached.
Other buildings: relevant certificates of ownership must be submitted.
f) the amount of the outstanding mortgage, if any, as of 12/31/2021 on the dwelling house and/or other buildings;
g) the value of the movable assets of each individual household member owned as of 31/12/2021;
h) the student's documented disability or handicap, if any.
Local values must be expressed in euros based on the average exchange rate of foreign currencies for the year 2021, derived from institutional sources.
International students from non-European Union countries who are "particularly poor,"(Table A), must produce a certification from the Italian Representation in the country of origin that the student does not belong to a family known to be of high income and high social status.
Table A- LIST OF "PARTICULARLY POOR" COUNTRIES (Ministerial Decree April 7, 2022, No. 344/2022)
Download the table (PDF)
International students from outside the European Union, like Italian citizens, may also use self-certification to prove states, personal qualities and facts certifiable or attestable by Italian public or private entities.
The documentation required of international students from European Union countries.
International students from one of the countries of the European Union are treated the same as Italian citizens, also with regard to the rules on administrative simplification, and therefore can self-certify income and assets, declaring in the application:
- the composition of the household;
-& the total income received abroad in the year 2021: income is assessed on the basis of permanent parities and expressed in euros;
- assets held abroad as of 12/31/2021: real estate is considered only if built, based on the conventional value of €500.00 per square meter; movable assets are valued on the basis of permanent parities and expressed in euros.
For the composition of the household, the rules stipulated in the ISEE regulations for benefits for the right to university study apply.
In order to activate the necessary controls, all international students from EU countries are still required to submit by the deadline of November 5, 2022 the family status and the documentation related to the self-certified economic and patrimonial conditions, translated into Italian and, where necessary, legalized or apostilled in accordance with the regulations in force.
For information on how to translate and legalize international documents, consult the Foreign Ministry website at this address:
Common provisions for international students from EU and non-EU countries.
International students, whose household resides and receives income and/or has assets exclusively in Italy, apply in the same manner as Italian students. In the case of mixed income and/or assets (part in Italy and part abroad), income and/or assets abroad must be documented by November 5, 2022 and in the manner specified for EU and Exrta EU countries, even if included in the Dichiarazione sostitutiva unica (DSU).
International students holding dual citizenship apply by choosing one of the two citizenships. In the event that one of the two citizenships is Italian, the latter prevails.
International students who are recognized as stateless or holders of international protection (with residence permit for political asylum or subsidiary protection), or holders of residence permit for complementary protection e.g. special protection and special cases).
They are exempt from submitting declarations issued by Embassies or Consulates, since for the purpose of assessing economic condition, only income and assets, if any, held in Italy are taken into account, surveyed in the same way as for Italian students.
Students referred to in this paragraph are therefore required to submit:
a) copy of valid residence permit;
b) copy of valid passport, identity card or other identification document;
c) ISEE statement 2022.
Students for whom the status recognition procedure is still in progress and are therefore not in possession of the relevant residence permit, are required to submit the documents under (a), (b), (c). Any award of benefits is conditional on the recognition of status with the issuance of the relevant residence permit.
Students for whom the permit renewal procedure is underway and are therefore not in possession of the relevant residence permit, are required to submit the documents referred to in (a), (b), (c). Any award of benefits is conditional on the recognition of status with the issuance of the relevant residence permit.
In the event of conversion of the residence permit referred to in this paragraph into a residence permit for a reason other than the original one, no longer in the area of international or complementary protection, the University and ER.GO reserve the right to assess the economic condition without applying the provisions on the reference family unit.