Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

1) Matriculation:


a) First installment:

you pay by the deadlines indicated for matriculation in the appropriate section of this Study Manifesto: € 156 (regional tax € 140 and virtual stamp 16)

 b) second installment:

you pay by November 16, 2022: 50% personalized university contribution. 

How to apply for the bulletin


Since September 5, 2022, the second installment bulletin will be published.

If the student has not yet filled out the ISEE application on the ER.GO website, the amount of 50% of the personalized university contribution is the maximum amount (calculated only according to the course subject area, seniority and merit).

If the student intends to make use of the personalized university contribution calculated on the basis of ISEE, he/she should not use the bulletin with the maximum amount as above, but should fill out the relevant application on the ER.GO website by November 3, 2022 h. 17:00. After 24 hours of completing the application on the ERGO website, the student can print the new bulletin recalculated according to ISEE. 

To make the payment one will have to connect to the University website From there, click under Services>Secretarial Services online, log in with your credentials to access the restricted page and go to the SECRETARIAL >PAYMENTS menu.

A student who completes the ISEE application by self-certifying a provisional protocol number will have to pay 50 percent of the maximum personalized university contribution; then following the transmission by INPS of the final ISEE data, the amount will be subsequently redefined.

The student who has already paid 50% of the maximum personalized university contribution can still fill in the ISEE application on the ER.GO website as long as it is done by November 3, 2022 h. 17:00; the amount will be subsequently redefined.

No applications for the calculation of the personalized university contribution based on ISEE will be accepted under any circumstances after the unmissable deadline of November 3, 2022 h. 17:00


c) third installment:


you pay by April 28, 2023: 50% personalized university contribution.

Starting from the beginning of April, to make the payment one should log on to the University website From there, click under Services>Secretarial Services online, log in with your credentials to access the restricted page and go to the SECRETARIAL >PAYMENTS menu.

2) Subsequent years' enrollment excluding undergraduate courses of the Department of Medicine (except CLM in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience):


a) First and second installments:


you pay in one bill by November 16, 2022: regional fee € 140 and virtual stamp 16 and 50% personalized university fee.

Mode to apply for the bulletin


Starting September 5, 2022, the amount of first and second installment to be paid in one lump sum (regional fee € 140 and virtual vignette € 16 and 50% personalized university contribution) will be published.

If the student has not yet filled out the ISEE application on the ER.GO website, the amount of 50% of the personalized university contribution is the maximum amount (calculated only on the basis of the Disciplinary Scope of the course, seniority and merit).

If the student intends to make use of the personalized university contribution calculated on the basis of ISEE, he/she should not use the bulletin with the maximum amount as above, but should fill out the relevant application on the ER.GO website by November 3, 2022 h. 17:00. After 24 hours after completing the application on the ERGO website, the student can print the new bulletin recalculated according to ISEE. 

 To make the payment, the student will need to log on to the University website From there, click under Services>Secretarial Services online, log in with their credentials to access the restricted page and go to the SECRETARIAL >PAYMENTS menu.

A student who completes the ISEE application by self-certifying a provisional protocol number will have to pay 50 percent of the maximum personalized university contribution; then following the transmission by INPS of the final ISEE data, the amount will be subsequently redefined.

The student who has already paid 50% of the maximum personalized university contribution can still fill in the ISEE application on the ER.GO website as long as it is done by November 3, 2022 h. 17:00; the amount will be subsequently redefined.

No applications for the calculation of the personalized university contribution based on ISEE will be accepted under any circumstances beyond the deadline of November 3, 2022 h. 17:00. 

c) third installment:


you pay by April 28, 2023: 50% personalized university contribution. 

To make the payment one should log on to the University website From there, click under Services>Secretarial Services online, log in with your credentials to access the restricted page and go to the SECRETARIAL >PAYMENTS menu.

Students without the bulletin, by the due dates above, are required to contact their Student Secretariat for verification and possible publication.

3) Subsequent years' enrollment for undergraduate courses in the Department of Medicine and Surgery (except CLM in Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience):


a) First installment:

you pay from August 5, 2022 to September 16, 2022: € 156 (regional tax € 140 and virtual stamp 16)

b) second installment:

you pay by November 16, 2022: 50% personalized university contribution. 

How to apply for the bulletin


Since September 5, 2022, the second installment bulletin will be published.

If the student has not yet filled out the ISEE application on the ER.GO website, the amount of 50% of the personalized university contribution is the maximum amount (calculated only according to the course subject area, seniority and merit).

If the student intends to make use of the personalized university contribution calculated on the basis of ISEE, he/she should not use the bulletin with the maximum amount as above, but should fill out the relevant application on the ER.GO website by November 3, 2022 h. 17:00. After 24 hours of completing the application on the ERGO website, the student can print the new bulletin recalculated according to ISEE. 

The student to make the payment will have to connect to the Athenaeum website From there, click under Services>Secretarial Services online, log in with their credentials to access the restricted page and go to the SECRETARIAL >PAYMENTS menu.

A student who completes the ISEE application by self-certifying a provisional protocol number will have to pay 50 percent of the maximum personalized university contribution; then following the transmission by INPS of the final ISEE data, the amount will be subsequently redefined.

The student who has already paid 50% of the maximum personalized university contribution can still fill in the ISEE application on the ER.GO website as long as it is done by November 3, 2022 h. 17:00; the amount will be subsequently redefined.

No applications for the calculation of the personalized university contribution based on ISEE will be accepted under any circumstances beyond the deadline of November 3, 2022 h. 17:00. 

c) third installment:


you pay by April 28, 2023: 50% personalized university contribution. 

To make the payment one should log on to the University website From there, click under Services>Secretarial Services online, log in with your credentials to access the restricted page and go to the SECRETARIAL >PAYMENTS menu.

Students without the bulletin, by the due dates indicated above, are required to contact their Student Secretariat for verification and possible publication.

The payment of university contribution should be made using the pagoPA system (IUV) which is the electronic payment system to the public administration. 

To make the payment one will have to connect to the University website From there, click under Services>Secretarial Services online, log in with your credentials to access the restricted page and go to the SECRETARIAL >PAYMENTS menu.

Payment via pagoPA (IUV):

  • pay online:
    • credit card;
    • current account.
  • Pay in person: print the payment notice to be presented at one of the authorized institutions.

For more information on the payment system pagoPA (IUV) you can consult the following web page:

Note for scholarship holders: they pay the registration or enrollment with the reduced fee (regional fee and virtual stamp) provided they have already filled out the scholarship application on the ERGO website.



PLEASE NOTE For the University, the DATE OF PAYMENT RECORDED ON THE TELEMATIC RECEIPT OF PAYMENT (RT) with outcome PAYMENT_EXECUTED shall be deemed authentic . Please be advised that the payment order executed on the day of the due date may result in the attribution of the additional fee for overdue payments for late payment if the actual payment transaction is made by the bank after the due date. For all payments, you should always check the terms and times with which your bank provides the relevant service; in fact, banks execute payments during certain hours of service and any transactions made by the user after the established times are taken over by the bank and accounted for on the first following business day.

The payment will be automatically registered by our student career management computer system indicatively within 10 days after the date of actual payment.

The second installment and the third installment, if of an amount of €600 or more, may be installmentable, at the student's request, in two installments of equal amount with the following due dates:

  • second installment: November 16, 2022 and December 16, 2022
  • third installment: April 28, 2023 and May 31, 2023.

Request is submitted online from October 7, 2022, and no later than November 15, 2022 linking to the University website clicking under Services>Online Secretarial Services, logging in and then accessing the menu SEGRETERIA> payments. The request is unique and applies to the second and third installment; subsequent requests for only the third installment will not be possible.

Students who are not in good standing with their tuition and fee payments are not eligible to apply. 

Accrual payments are revoked in the event of career termination due to drop out of studies, transfer, graduation, and the student can obtain the career closure measure only upon payment of the full amount of the installment.

Any payment after the specified deadlines will result in an additional fee for overdue payments of €50 and immediate career closure until the position is regularized.v

Any payment after the deadlines indicated will result in an additional contribution of €50 and an immediate career freeze until the position is regularized. If you pay after 12/31/2022 you lose your benefits.

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