Notice for the allocation of mobility grants for a.y. 2023/2024 The Call for Applicants is authorized and published by Rector's Decree n. 2159 on 29/11/2022 (Reg. n. 287066). This Call for Applicants integrates the opportunities of both the European ERASMUS+ Program and the University's OVERWORLD Program, offering students all of the partner institutions having a running exchange agreement with the University of Parma. Aim is to facilitate access to mobility for an ever-increasing number of enrolled students. Within the new Call you can find all the information you need to participate in mobility to European and non-European universities, in order to: attend courses and take exams for the purpose of acquiring credits; attend courses and take related examinations along with conducting curricular internships at the destination location; conduct research and attend courses for doctoral students; prepare undergraduate and doctoral theses;& participate in dual degree programs within degree programs that offer this opportunity; participate in special projects active within the University. Submission of applications through ESSE3 system is open from 10th JANUARY 2023. The deadline for the submission of applications is fixed by 12:00 (CET) on 15th FEBRUARY 2023. The recording of the general presentation of the Call (16/12/2022) is available here (in Italian language). To watch the recording of the informational meeting for students preparing for an ERASMUS+ mobility in the A.Y. 2023-2024, click HERE (in Italian language). To watch the recording of the informational meeting for students preparing for an Overworld/Special Projects mobility in the A.Y. 2023-2024, click HERE (in Italian language).
The Call documents In this section you may find all the necessary documents to submit your application and award an exchange place within the University Call for Applications, valid for spending an exchange study period during the academic year 2023/2024. PDF Bando unico SMS 2023-2024.pdf XLSX Allegato A - Elenco Sedi Partner BANDO 2023-2024 AGGIORNATO 31.01.2022 PDF Allegato B1 - Guida per gli studenti in partenza E+ SMS 2023-2024 PDF Allegato B2 - Guida per gli studenti in partenza OW-Prospe 2023-2024 PDF Allegato C - Ammontare dei contributi di mobilità.pdf XLSX Allegato D – Scadenze previste dal bando DOCX Allegato E - Domanda cartacea A.A. 2023-2024 DOCX Allegato F - Lettera motivazionale.docx PDF Allegato G - Criteri di selezione 2023-2024 - Aggiornato 12.12.22 PDF Allegato H - Istruzioni compilazione domanda di candidatura su Esse3 PDF Presentazione Bando e Calendario Selezioni BANDO UNICO 2023-2024_1.pdf XLSX GRADUATORIA FINALE WEB Bando Unico 2023-2024_0.xlsx PDF Istruzioni accettazione Esse3.pdf PDF ISEE UNIPR Ambito ERASMUS+ ISTRUZIONI OPERATIVE 2023-2024 PDF ISEE UNIPR Ambito OVERWORLD/Progetti Speciali 2023-2024
Forms All forms related to the Call 2023-2024 are available at the Forms and guides for international outbound mobility page (click here).
Contacts To receive any further useful information, please contact the U.O. Internazionalizzazione of the University (International Relations Division). U.O. Accoglienza, Mobilità e Studenti Internazionali E., E., E. P. W. Go to description di U.O. Accoglienza, Mobilità e Studenti Internazionali