Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability


The University of Parma is addressing to its students the proposal of collaboration for the activity of Equal Tutor in favor of students with disabilities and/or specific learning disorders and/or special educational needs, enrolled in our University. The activity consists of coaching within the individual path of the student and student in difficulty who has requested it.

To apply for the role of peer tutor you must be enrolled in A.A. 2023-2024 in a Course of Study at the University of Parma, be in good standing with the payment of tuition fees and meet the requirements stated in the announcement.

The application, filled out exclusively on the attached form, including Curriculum Vitae, duly filled in each item, must be addressed to the University of Parma, Reception and Inclusion Center peremptorily no later than March 5, 2024 by one of the following methods, excluding any other means:

1) sending email (from university email or exceptionally from personal email with a copy of ID attached) to the email address

2) sent by registered mail with return receipt (University of Parma - Reception and Inclusion Center via Università, 12 - 43121 Parma)

Shipping date will be the date of shipment.

The concrete services to be carried out, for a maximum of 200 paid hours, are determined by the specific needs of the students who request them; they consist of coaching in the classroom, help aimed at individual study and in the different situations of university life.


Application form

For more information and/or clarification please contact:

Director of the Reception and Inclusion Center and Dean's Delegate to "Inclusion and Psychological Counseling" - tel. 0521/034936



  • Dr. Guido Di Lorenzo

Chief UO Coordination Center for Reception and Inclusion

tel. 0521/904079


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