Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

PagoPA is an electronic payments management system created by the Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AgID) and suitable for making payments to Public Administrations simpler, safer and more transparent.
Public Administrations are required by law to join the pagoPA payments system.

The University of Parma has activated the adoption of the pagoPA system for the payment of university fees.
The pagoPA system allows payments to be made electronically by freely choosing the Payment Service Provider (PSP), the tools and the technological channel with which to make the payment of the UNIPR bulletin, which is identified by a unique payment identifier (IUV).

The benefits for users are numerous:
- you can pay with numerous payment systems;
- it is possible to pay 24 hours a day through telematics services;
- it is possible to pay with any computer device from fixed and mobile locations;
- the payment receipt is directly available within one's reserved area (Secretariat menu section Payments);
- the University IT system will receive the result of the payment in automatic mode as soon as it is made available by the PSP (Payment Service Provider);
- the security of payments and personal data is guaranteed through standard protection protocols;
- it is possible, exclusively from one's private area, to print the paper payment notice for physical payment at one of the enabled counters.

UNIPR payment notices (IUV), generated in accordance with the pagoPA system, can be paid in the following ways:

a) real-time payment (in accordance with AgID's Model 1) - from one's own Web Area by accessing the Secretariat - Payments menu and choosing from the available tools
- credit or debit card or prepaid
- debiting your account (only if you have a current account with banks or other service providers
  payment service providers participating in the initiative);

b) deferred payment (according to AgID's Model 3) - at banks and other service providers adhering to the initiative through the channels made available by them for pagoPA (such as: home banking, ATM, APP on smartphones or tablets, etc.). In this case, to be able to make the payment, it is necessary to indicate in the appropriate field the IUV code present on the'payment notice available from your Web Area (menu Secretariat - Payments).

ATTENTION: starting from 13.12.2019 all university contributions will be payable only through the PagoPA system. Contributions issued prior to that date will be payable via PagoPA only in the event that the Student has never expressed the intention to make payment via MAV (by printing the MAV slip itself); in that case the contribution can only be paid via MAV.

The list of operators and channels enabled to receive payments via pagoPA is available at:

It should be noted that each of the authorized parties may charge a fee to the'payment transaction, the amount of which may vary depending on the operator and channel used.
Direct transfers to UNIPR bank account for pagoPA payments are prohibited.

Progetto PNRR - Misura 1.4.3 "Adozione piattaforma pagoPA"

Questo servizio di pagamento è stato finanziato dall'Unione europea - NextGenerationEU nell'ambito del progetto PNRR - Misura 1.4.3 "Adozione piattaforma pagoPA".

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