Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Requesting certificates of comparability and/or certificates of verification of foreign degrees

In order to speed up the title evaluation procedures, it is possible to apply for Certificates of Comparability and/or Certificates of Verification of one's foreign titles, in line with current national regulations and procedures, through the Diplome platform on the CIMEA website.

Recognition/equipollence of foreign academic degrees and course abbreviation

Qualifications acquired abroad do not have legal value in Italy, so it is necessary to apply for recognition if you wish to use them to participate in a competition, to practice a profession.


How to apply

The interested party, in possession of a residence permit or EU citizen, must submit a written request on stamped paper to the Student Secretary of the Degree Course to which he or she intends to apply for recognition using the Form A/10.

The documentation to be attached to the application is as follows:

  • Original of the high school diploma of admission to the university that issued the academic degree;
  • Italian language translation and legalization of the baccalaureate degree issued by the Italian Diplomatic-Consular Representation with territorial jurisdiction in the State where the degree was issued;
  • Declaration of value of the baccalaureate degree;
  • Original of the academic degree held;
  • Original of the analytical certificate of the university examinations issued by the aforementioned University (certifying dates and locations of the examinations, if these were also partially held at university locations other than the one that issued the degree);
  • Italian language translation and legalization of the academic title possessed;
  • Declaration of Value of the academic title possessed with indication of the legal duration of the course of study;
  • Syllabus of each individual exam with official translation;
  • Valid Residence Permit;
  • Photocopy of Identity Card or Passport and Fiscal Code;
  • Passport size photo

What to do after obtaining recognition:

If the resolution of the Course and Department Council fully recognizes the degree, the resolution should be submitted to the Academic Senate.

After approval by the S.A., it is necessary to pay the recognition fee of 258 euros through the MAV bulletin, issued directly by the Student Secretariat.

Within 6 months of the Academic Senate's resolution, the Student Secretariat will issue the graduation scroll.

In case the foreign academic degree is not fully recognized by the Course of Study and the Department, the student may obtain an abbreviation of the chosen course of study by applying for matriculation.


The equivalence of a foreign qualification to an Italian one, obtained abroad by a European citizen and required by a specific competition notice for the purpose of admission to the examinations of that competition, allows participation in that specific competition without an Italian qualification being issued (“equipollence”).


How to enter the contest

Submit to the administration that published the notice, the application for participation in the competition citing the foreign qualification in the original language and requesting to be admitted to the competition under Article 38 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 (admission under condition).

Send to the Civil Service Department the request for equivalence of the qualification acquired abroad, pursuant to Art. 38 of Legislative Decree 165/2001, by filling out the model prepared by the Civil Service Department: this form contains all the necessary documents for submitting the application.  


Who to contact

The body responsible for assessing the equivalence of the foreign qualification is the Presidency of the Council of Ministers -Department of Civil Service - P.P.A. Office. - Recruitment Service, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 116 - 00186 Rome tel. 06-6899.7563 / 7453 / 7470;


Other references

Ministry of University and Research
Piazzale Kennedy, 20 - 00144 Rome Tel. 06-97727450

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