The University of Parma has established the "Board for the Ethics of Non-Medical Research Involving People (REB - Research Ethics Board)," an independent body with the task of expressing opinions on non-medical research projects involving people, submitted by faculty members of the University of Parma, from the particular perspective of respecting ethical principles and in compliance with the provisions of the European Code of Conduct for the'Integrity of Research, developed by All European Academies (ALLEA) and the European Science Foundation (ESF) (updated edition of 2017) and taking into account the Guidelines on Good Practice in Research and Publication and Dissemination of Results of the University of Parma issued by DR no. 931 of August 3, 2020.
Board members By Rectoral Decree No. 1391, dated 07/23/2021 the members of the "Board for the Ethics of Non-Medical Research on the Person (REB - Research Ethics Board)": Prof.ssa Paola Corsano, Full Professor of the Department of Humanities, Social and Cultural Enterprise Disciplines, University of Parma - President; Prof. Alessandro Musetti, Temporary Researcher of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Enterprises of the University of Parma - Vice-President with functions of Secretary; Prof. Roberto Fornari, Pro-Rector for Research of the University of Parma; Dott.ssa Ilaria Comelli, Data Protection Officer of the University of Parma; Prof.ssa Maria Zanichelli, Associate Professor of the Department of Law, International Political Studies, University of Parma; Prof. Mario Veneziani, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Sciences of the University of Parma and a member of the University Center for Bioethics of the University of Studies of Parma; Prof. Loris Vezzali, Full Professor of the Department of Surgical, Medical, Dental and Morphological Sciences with Transplantology, Oncology and Regenerative Medicine Interest of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Prof. Vera Ferrari, Associate Professor of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma; Prof. Pier Luigi Marchini, Full Professor of the Department of Economics and Business of the University of Parma; Prof.ssa Maria Alessandra Umiltà, Associate Professor of the Department of Food and Drug Sciences, University of Parma.
How to submit opinion requests Researchers, whether individuals or research groups, who wish to request an opinion regarding compliance with the rules of research ethics on their own research project should fill out the forms prepared by the Board that will be made available on this webpage. In the case of a new application, the following forms should be filled out: "Research Project Submission Form"/em> ; "Information and Consent for Data Processing in a Research Project"; "Informed Consent to Participation in Research (minors/adults)". In case of request for supplement/extension of research already reviewed by REB, it is necessary to fill out the form "Request for opinion on extension or supplement of research already reviewed by REB" and attach any corrected documentation. Researchers should forward the forms to the e mail address In the subject line, it is necessary to indicate: surname and first name, request for opinion of the "Board for the Ethics of Non-Medical Research on the Person (REB - Research Ethics Board)," specifying whether "new request" or "supplement/extension of research already reviewed" previously by the REB. Requests must be received at least 20 days before the date set for the meeting at which they will be considered (10 days in the case of a supplement request).
Attached documents PDF Decreto di emanazione Regolamento REB PDF Regolamento del Board per l‘etica della ricerca non medica sulla persona (REB - Research Ethics Board) PDF Decreto di nomina dei membri del Board DOCX scheda di presentazione del progetto di ricerca DOCX Informativa e consenso per il trattamento di dati in un progetto di ricerca DOCX consenso informato alla partecipazione alla ricerca adulti DOCX consenso informato alla partecipazione alla ricerca minori DOCX richiesta di parere in merito all'estensione o integrazione di ricerche già esaminate dal REB PDF calendario delle sedute
Attached documents PDF Decreto di emanazione Regolamento REB PDF Regolamento del Board per l‘etica della ricerca non medica sulla persona (REB - Research Ethics Board) PDF Decreto di nomina dei membri del Board DOCX scheda di presentazione del progetto di ricerca DOCX Informativa e consenso per il trattamento di dati in un progetto di ricerca DOCX consenso informato alla partecipazione alla ricerca adulti DOCX consenso informato alla partecipazione alla ricerca minori DOCX richiesta di parere in merito all'estensione o integrazione di ricerche già esaminate dal REB PDF calendario delle sedute PDF Decreto di emanazione Regolamento REB PDF Regolamento del Board per l‘etica della ricerca non medica sulla persona (REB - Research Ethics Board) PDF Decreto di nomina dei membri del Board DOCX scheda di presentazione del progetto di ricerca DOCX Informativa e consenso per il trattamento di dati in un progetto di ricerca DOCX consenso informato alla partecipazione alla ricerca adulti DOCX consenso informato alla partecipazione alla ricerca minori DOCX richiesta di parere in merito all'estensione o integrazione di ricerche già esaminate dal REB PDF calendario delle sedute
Contact Presidente REB - Research Ethics Board Prof.ssa Paola Corsano T. +39 0521 034824 E. Go to description about Paola Corsano Dott.ssa Barbara Violini T. +39 0521 034643 E. Go to description about Barbara Violini