Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

General information about Advanced Courses

The University may establish and activate courses of further and higher education, in response to the need for in-depth scientific and cultural study in specific fields of study and work, taking into account employment outlets and spendability, including at the international level, in order to promote the training of both highly specialized professional figures and professional figures characterized by transversal skills in the applied and theoretical fields. Courses can also be implemented in collaboration with other universities, with public and private entities, and in response to specific national or regional calls for proposals. Postgraduate and advanced training courses award from a minimum of 10 and up to a maximum of 40 university credits, subject to specific regulatory provisions, upon passing specific tests of acquired skills as determined by the Course Executive Committee. The teaching activities of the courses normally take place in the academic year in which they were established and activated. At the conclusion of the Postgraduate and Higher Education Course, a certificate is issued attesting to the training course

Qualification required for admission to a course

Access to advanced courses requires possession of at least one of the following qualifications: degree awarded pursuant to D.M. 509/1999 or D.M. 270/2004; - bachelor's degree obtained pursuant to D.M. 509/1999; <- master's degree obtained pursuant to D.M. 270/2004; <- bachelor's degree obtained according to the regulations prior to D.M. 509/1999; <- qualifications equivalent to the above, pursuant to current regulations, or other qualification obtained abroad deemed suitable by the Executive Committee


Notice of competition

Here the notice competition

How to register in esse3

If you are a new student follow the directions in the pdf below to find out how to register in the platform  esse3 


Admission to the Courses is subject to possession of the entry qualification and other requirements indicated in the notice.

Admission in chronological order consists of reserving the place, being in possession of the qualification, or similar academic qualification obtained at foreign universities.

How to enroll in an advanced Course

Successful candidates must matriculate to the course as follows:

  1. Carry out the matriculation ( by accessing the Reserved Area with their credentials attaching, through an upload copy of the required documents as well as any residence permit for non-EU citizens;
  2. Pay the matriculation fee, which is non-refundable, unless the said Course is not activated;

Payment should be made using the pagoPA (IUV) system, which is the electronic payment system to the public administration and allows you to:

Further information on the pagoPA payment system (IUV) can be found on the following webpage:

Guide to enrollment for courses with chronological enrollment order

Procedures for students with degrees earned abroad

Candidates holding a foreign qualification must therefore include, among the annexes in the computer procedure at the University and within Universitaly, the scan of the degree accompanied by an official translation into Italian, with legalisation and declaration of value by the Italian diplomatic missions in the country where the title was obtained; the above to obtain prior recognition of the equivalence by the Admission Commission of the Master or the Executive Committee in the event of absence of selection, for the sole purpose of admission to the course. 
If the documentation is incomplete or in the process of completion, admission to the Course will be subject to condition and in case of failure to send it at the time of registration the student will be declared forfeited.
The above documents must be sent in a copy conforming to the original to the U.O. Post Lauream Training during matriculation to the Course. Finally, it should be remembered that, until the candidate has sent the U.O. Formazione Post Lauream the documents mentioned above in the original, it will not be possible to enrol in the Course.
Alternatively to the declaration of value can be attached the Diploma supplement issued by higher education institutions belonging to the EU or the certificate of comparability issued by the CIMEA Centre (more information at the link https///


UO Postgraduate Education

Professional Master programmes and advanced Courses

P.le San Francesco 3 - 43121 Parma

tel. 0521 033708

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Advanced courses

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