Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

The University and Er.Go, the'regional company that deals with the right to study, offer assistance to students, students and faculty seeking accommodation in the City and province.

To find housing there are several options:

  • search for housing independently through tools outside the University or by taking advantage of the service of Housing Showcase, made available by the University to facilitate the search for stable accommodation and obtain more guarantees in the relationship with those who own the'property;
  • search for housing thanks to the support of the staff of the University Welcome Service and of the'strong>Informagiovani of the City of Parma at the Welcome Point Matricole from July 1 to October 30;
  • search for housing thanks to the support of the staff of the Welcome Service - Welcome office of the University at the Welcome and Inclusion Center (CAI) throughout the year;
  • request'access via ranking to an Er.Go residency throughout the academic year if you are off-site and meet certain economic and merit requirements;
  • request the&039;strong>facilitatedaccess to an Er.Go residence if you spend a limited period of study or work collaboration at the University;
  • request the'free /strong>access to a residence of Er.Go for short and occasional stay needs.

Housing Showcase

The Welcome Service - Welcome office of the University and ER.GO also make available to students the Housing Showcase, an online bulletin board in which it is possible to consult the list of housing solutions leased by companies and private landlords in the area.
To also view the operator's references and be able to contact him, it is necessary to log in with the University's credentials.

The Housing Showcase is constantly being updated, and is implemented daily with the offers that gradually become available.

The University specifies that students and students who decide to take advantage of the housing solutions contained in the Housing Showcase enter into leases directly with the operators: the role of the University is simply to facilitate the meeting between supply and demand, albeit within the framework of precise commitments and rules valid for both students and landlords.

Those who wish to express their willingness to include their housing offers in the "Housing Showcase" must fill out the specific form:

ER.GO University Residences

ER.GO Azienda regionale per il diritto agli studi superiori dell'Emilia-Romagna provides students with more than 600 accommodations in the 6 residences in the city.

To learn about all the possibilities offered by ER.GO visit the following page.


Guida affitti

L'Agenzia delle entrate, in collaborazione con la Guardia di finanza, la Regione Emilia-Romagna ed Er.go, ha realizzato una apposita guida agli affitti con l’obiettivo di offrire un aiuto concreto a chi deve procedere alla registrazione del contratto di affitto.

Con un linguaggio semplice e comprensibile la "Guida affitti" fornisce a proprietari/proprietarie di immobili e inquilini/inquiline (in particolare agli studenti e alle studentesse “fuori sede”) un quadro completo in materia di locazioni: dalle varie possibilità per sottoscrivere un regolare contratto a termini di legge ai vantaggi che comporta la registrazione. 


Welcome Service - Welcome Office
T. 0521904150 - 904632 - 904782
P.le San Francesco, 3 - 43121 Parma
Modified on

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