Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Notice for the allocation of mobility grants for a.y. 2022/2023

Erasmus+ Overworld bando unico

The notice is published by Rectoral Decree No. 77/2022 dated 21/01/2022 (Prot. No. 12867)

The deadline for submission of applications is set for FEBRUARY 21, 2022 at 12:00

Starting from the academic year 2022-2023, with the new Single Call for European and International Mobility, which integrates the opportunities of the European ERASMUS+ Program and the University's OVERWORLD Program, the University of Parma wants to group together the study abroad opportunities available to the student population to facilitate access to mobility for an ever-increasing number of enrolled students.

Within the new Single Announcement you can find all the information you need to participate in mobility to European and non-European universities, for:

  • attend courses and take exams for the purpose of acquiring credits;
  • attend courses and take related examinations along with conducting curricular internships at the destination location;
  • conduct research and attend courses for doctoral students;
  • prepare undergraduate and doctoral theses;&
  • participate in dual degree programs within degree programs that offer this opportunity;
  • participate in special projects active within the University.

The ranking list is published by Rectoral Decree No. 620/2022 (Prot No. 96129 of 13/04/2022.

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