Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

International collaboration agreements

The University of Parma promotes international institutional agreements signed by the Legal Representative with Universities of countries all over the world. The aim is to promote academic cooperation in the didactic-scientific field and to implement mobility and exchange programs for professors, researchers, research fellows, postgraduates, doctoral students and administrative staff, as well as the organization of joint activities such as conferences, seminars and publications. .

The types of agreements recognized are the following:

  • Framework Agreement for Didactic and Scientific Cooperation: cooperation agreement of general interest, stipulated by the University with one or more foreign institutions, on the proposal of a Department, the Rector or on the occasion of institutional visits. It aims to create a first institutional contact to strengthen cultural and scientific relations between universities and lay the foundations for subsequent cooperation agreements.
  • Additional protocol for the exchange of students: agreement to regulate the modalities of student exchange (outside the Erasmus+ agreements) between departments or degree courses of the University of Parma and departments or degree courses of the partner University.
  • Additional protocol for the exchange of professors/researchers: agreement to regulate the modalities for the exchange of professors and researchers (outside the Erasmus+ agreements) between departments or research centers of the University of Parma and partner universities.
  • Additional academic cooperation protocol for the mobility of professors/researchers/students/technical-administrative staff: agreement to regulate the exchange modalities for all staff and students of a specific department, school or research center (outside the Erasmus+ agreements) between departments or research centers of the University of Parma and partner universities.
  • Additional protocol for structured mobility for student exchange with the award of double academic qualifications: agreement that offers students the opportunity to follow, through integrated training and alternating attendance in the institutions involved, a study path aimed at obtaining two or more academic qualifications (at bachelor's, master's, single cycle degree level).
  • ERASMUS+ Bilateral/Multilateral Agreement: this agreement regulates the exchange activities (students, teaching and administrative staff)  running between the University of Parma and an ECHE-holder Higher Education Institution or, a Higher Education Institution partner of a collaborative Erasmus+ project.

EU GREEN European Alliance

EU GREEN is a University Alliance formed by nine European universities aiming to be Your Gateway to Sustainability. EU GREEN focuses on the development of empowerment, capabilities, opportunities and societal cooperation for a better and more viable environment in the long run. EU GREEN embraces a mission of actively doing good and place societal responsibility at the heart of its mission as a guiding principle. The EU GREEN vision goes beyond building a European University. The Alliance aims to train citizens and deliver research and innovation that contribute to the development of local and/or regional ecosystems, thus providing answers to pressing challenges for society at large.

EU GREEN Alliance in Parma 


EUniverCities is a European network, launched in 2012, in which medium sized cities as well as universities (working in tandems) work together in order to give knowledge cities more visibility within Europe. The network aims to exchange and spread the knowledge, expertise and experience about city-university cooperation across urban Europe.

Network members learn from each other how to shape co-operations in a fruitful way, apply the lessons, take next steps on the local level, and spread the lessons and ideas.
The network has been inspired by the EU2020 Strategy on Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth attributes great importance to knowledge, innovation and technology.

GALA - Global Academy of Liberal Arts

La rete internazionale GALA (Global Academy of Liberal Arts) ha come scopo principale quello di ampliare e arricchire le esperienze di studenti e studiosi al di là dei confini nazionali e culturali. La rete è in continua espansione e, ad oggi, conta 17 istituzioni partner in 13 paesi.

Fondata nel 2014 presso la Bath Spa University (Regno Unito), GALA fa incontrare studenti, docenti e ricercatori di istituzioni universitarie di tutto il mondo con il fine di esplorare le relazioni tra creatività e impegno sociale mediante collaborazioni didattiche e di ricerca che convergono in un convegno annuale ospitato presso una delle sedi del Network.

Le attività includono lo sviluppo di programmi di scambio, iniziative e progetti di ricerca comparata e multidisciplinare, workshops e summer schools, opportunità di docenza a distanza e visiting professorships. GALA è una comunità internazionale di istituzioni universitarie unite dalla stessa vocazione all’innovazione scientifico-culturale e alla responsabilità sociale: una comunità impegnata a stimolare una sempre maggiore comprensione fra mondi e culture diverse tramite nuove forme di collaborazione interdisciplinare nell’insegnamento e nella ricerca.


La rete Swetaly University Collaboration, formata da atenei italiani e svedesi, mira a rafforzare le relazioni accademiche tra la Svezia e l'Italia nella ricerca e nell'istruzione superiore.


International Relations Division
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