EU GREEN: Towards a European University
EU GREEN is an Alliance of nine European universities, spanning a wide geographical area (from Sweden to Portugal and from the northwest of Ireland to Romania). These institutions have entered into an agreement to evolve, in the long term, into a single European University where students, faculty, and administrative staff can move freely between campuses to attend lectures, teach, participate in training programs, and engage in sports, cultural activities, and more.
In the European Commission's vision, these new European Universities will not only focus on professional specialization but also on shaping the future European citizen. Students will dedicate time to civic education, raising awareness of topics such as European values (democracy, inclusion, respect for diverse cultures, multilingualism, etc.), sustainability in human activities, responsible economic growth, and social inclusivity, with particular attention to the green and digital transitions.
As an initial step, the Alliance has submitted a project to the European Commission titled "European University alliance for sustainability: responsible GRowth, inclusive Education and ENvironment" (EU GREEN), which will run for four years (2023–2026). The ongoing project was approved by the European Commission in Call 2022 (project no. 101089896-EUGREEN-ERASMUS-EDU-2022-EUR-UNIV).