The University staff involved in European and international calls may receive:
At the departmental level, research support activities are assisted by Referents/Research Managers (PTAs) and Directors' Delegates for Research (teaching staff).
At the central level, the European and International Research Support Unit is active.
General Address:
Dr. Silvia Tavernini (T. +39 0521 906271 ; E.
Dr. Geanina Fartade (T. + 39 0521 905849 ; E.
Dr. Mila Lazzari (T. + 39 0521 905119 ; E.
Dr. Raffaele Turri (T. + 39 0521 905127 ; E.
Dott.ssa Carmen Ferrante (T. + 39 0521 902089; E.
The staff of the UO European and International Research Support can also be reached through the Microsoft Teams application.
MSCA@UNIPR BOOTCAMP 2024 consists of 5 days of high-quality training dedicated to 20 selected post-doc researchers who wish to apply for the next MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call, having the University of Parma as hosting institution.
On this page there are published all the University's internal calls for European and international research.