Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Credentials to access applications for benefits:

-students residing in Italy or in possession of an Italian identity document (ID card, driver's license, passport) will need to apply for digital identity (SPID, CIE or CNS) to access online services.

- students who do not reside in Italy access the online application with the credentials issued by the University. If the student is already enrolled at the University of Parma, he/she accesses the application form with the University credentials; if he/she is not yet enrolled, he/she can obtain them by connecting to the University website (from the link without the need to regularize the enrollment, following the directions proposed in the online procedure

- students who access the online application with the University credentials, even if they meet the requirements to apply for SPID'digital identity, CIE  or CNS, will be subject to checks and the'possible eligibility/allocation of benefits  will be suspended pending the completion of the procedures for re-identification using SPID credentials.

All info on registering with the university information system and retrieving credentials for SPID users and non-SPID users can be found on the Guide

All students enrolled or intending to enroll in degree programs at the University of Parma (including those enrolled under condition, pre-enrolled, and transferring from other universities), may apply for reductions based on economic/wealth status and are required to report the data of the ISEE 2022 statement in the manner and within the deadline indicated below: the application must be submitted online at< starting from the 4th of July and by November 3, 2022 at 5 by accessing from the main menu under ONLINE SERVICES;

The student can fill out the application himself/herself on the ER.GO or he/she can avail himself/herself of the assistance of the CAF (Tax Assistance Centers) affiliated with the University of Parma and ER.GO (the list with an indication of the territorial offices and opening hours is available on the website, which will fill it out, at the student's request, and transmit it to ER.GO within the same deadline indicated above (finalizing the application always by the student).

Failure to submit the application will result in the'allocation of the maximum grant provided for one&#039s area, merit status and seniority of enrollment./p>

By Nov. 3, 2022 5 p.m. fill out the application at /strong>>

More info on Study Manifesto a.a. 2022-2023/p>

In some cases, it is possible to apply using the CURRENT ISEE issued on the basis of the ISEE 2022 Certificate valid for benefits for the right to university study. 

The current ISEE updates the value of the ISEE indicator by taking incomes for an earlier time period than the one used to calculate ISEE. Ordinarily, ISEE refers to incomes received in the previous second calendar year./strong>/p>

In some situations, in the presence of significant changes in income or assets, or as a result of adverse events (e.g., loss of employment termination of social security, welfare and indemnity benefits), these incomes and assets do not reflect the real economic situation of the household. In the cases of a change in the employment situation or interruption of treatment of one of the members or a change in the overall income situation of the household that is 25% higher than the income situation identified in the ordinarily calculated ISEE, a current ISEE is therefore given. This indicator is based on the income of the last twelve months (even only the last two months in the case of a component for which there has been an interruption of treatments not included in the total income for IRPEF purposes or a permanent employee for whom the loss, suspension or reduction of employment has occurred). Even in the event of a reduction in the total assets of the household of more than 20% compared to the asset situation identified in the ISEE calculated ordinarily, the possibility is given, as of April 1 of each year, to calculate a current ISEE on the basis of assets owned as of December 31 of the year preceding the year of submission of the DSU.

For more information regarding ISEE, you can consult the GUIDE to ISEE 2022 a.y. 2022/2023 published at

For further details see the Study Manifesto a.y. 2022-2023

The method of calculating seniority for the following benefits differs from that used for the personalized university contribution previously set forth.

Seniority requirements for benefits: university seniority is calculated from the 1st year of matriculation in any Italian university. A change of degree program or university does not reset the seniority of enrollment.

For lapsed students, dropouts or students who nevertheless re-enroll, the year of first enrollment will retrocede proportionally to the year of the course to which they were admitted.

The following benefits are applied d'ex officiotherefore, there is no need to fill out application.

  • for full-time freshmen:

 - students matriculating in the first year of a bachelor's degree program or a single-cycle master's degree program: students matriculating in the first year of a bachelor's degree program or a single-cycle master's degree program are entitled to a reduction of 250 euros for graduation grade of 100 or 100 with merit;
- students matriculating in the first year of a master degree program: students matriculating in the first year of a master degree program benefit from:
a) 250 euro reduction for graduation grade of 110 or 110 with honors
(b) reduction of 150 euros for graduation grade of 108 or 109

  • for current full-time enrollees:/strong>

Rankings are provided for the reduction on the personalized university fee for students enrolled from the 2nd year and within the legal duration of the course.

The reduction for merit ranges from a minimum of 150 euros to a maximum of 300 euros.

The reductions apply up to the'amount of the total amount of the personalized university contribution due and/or paid.

The information of the requirements for the'access to the benefits are specified on the .

The student must complete the application for reimbursement:

  • if he/she graduates by the extraordinary session of a.y. 2021-22 and has already paid the II installment a.y. 2022-23;
  • if he paid additional contribution for payment after the deadline which is not due;
  • if he/she made a payment that was not due as a result of forfeiture
  • if he/she transferred to another university in the same academic year

The application can be filled only and exclusively online from the following link: /strong>/strong>

You don&#039t have to fill out an application for reimbursement when you are entitled to a reimbursement d'/strong>

Notice is hereby given that :/strong>/lt;/p>

  • reimbursement is paid by the University Accounting Department within 60 days from the date of issuance of the authorization note;
  • regional tax and virtual stamps are not refunded;

-credit to Student card
- credited to IBAN in the name of or co-owned by the student.

The IBAN code must be registered by logging on to the RESTRICTED AREA of the online Secretarial Services HOME menu > registry.

In case the student has not transmitted the modalities, no refund will be made until the necessary communication.

Our all-inclusive tuition waiver benefits are:

1) Students with recognition of disability under Article 3, Paragraph 1, of Law No. 104 of February 5, 1992 and students with certified disability of 66% or more

Students with a recognized disability pursuant to Art. 3, Paragraph 1, of Law No. 104 of February 5, 1992, or a disability equal to or greater than 66% are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and make the registration/enrollment, with only the payments of regional tax and virtual stamp.

The waiver is applied for by filling out the disability self-certification form Mod. A23 which should be sent to by April 28, 2023. 

Students who have paid the second and/or third installment will receive their refund ex officio in June 2023.

2) Students children of recipients of the disability pension, established by'Article 12 of Law 118/71 according to the provisions of'Article 30 of the same Law

Students who are children of the recipients of the disability pension, established by'art. 12 of Law 118/71 according to the provisions of'art 30 of the same Law, are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and make the matriculation/enrollment, with only the payments of regional tax and virtual stamp.

The waiver is applied for by filling out the self-certification form Mod. A56, which must be sent to by April 28, 2023. 

Students who have paid the second and/or third installment will receive their refund ex officio in June 2023.

3) Students holding ER-GO Scholarship in the academic year 2022/2023

Newly enrolled students and those enrolled in regular course years, beneficiaries of or eligible for ER-GO scholarship in the academic year 2022/2023, are entitled to total exemption from the personalized university fee and make registration or renewal registration with only the payments of regional fee and virtual stamp duty (first installment).

Students who, upon the publication of the ER-GO rankings, are found to be ineligible for the scholarship benefit, must pay the personalized university contribution (second installment) by 12/31/2022 and will not be able to carry out career interruptive acts until after the relevant payment.

In case of revocation of the Scholarship, students will forfeit the exemption benefit and will be required to pay the personalized university contribution within 60 days after ER.GO.


Students who have made the payment of the personalized university contribution will receive the refund ex officio after the confirmation of the Scholarship (June 2023).

4) Foreign students who are beneficiaries of Italian Government Scholarship

Foreign students who are beneficiaries of Italian Government Scholarship under the Development Cooperation Programs and Intercultural and Scientific Agreements and related executive programs are entitled to total exemption from the personalized university fee. The relevant documentation should be submitted to the Student Secretariat or to U.O. Contributions and Right to Study.

5) Students performing care for a family member (Care Givers)

Students who provide care for a family member are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and make registration/enrollment with only regional fee and virtual stamp payments.

The exemption is applied for by filling out the self-certification form Mod. A/58 which should be sent to by April 28, 2023. 

Students who have paid the second and/or third installment will receive their refund ex officio in June 2023.


The University of Parma, ER.GO Azienda regionale per il diritto agli studi superiori and Fondazione Anna Mattioli ETS (FAM), thanks to the grant provided by FAM, publish a call for applications for 10 cash and service scholarships to Ukrainian students for the academic year 2022/2023.

Who can fill out the application

Students of Ukrainian nationality enrolled or matriculating in bachelor's, master's and single-cycle master's degree programs at the University of Parma in the academic year 2022/2023 who do not have personal or household income in Italy or refugees from Ukraine who have regularized their presence in the national territory according to the current national provisions.

When to fill out the application

The application can be filled out from June 30, 2022 to August 1, 2022, exclusively online at the following link

For information contact:

UO Grants and Right to Study
University of Parma
Tel. 0521034090
p.le San Francesco 2
43121 Parma PR

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