Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Wi-Fi service

The University makes available to all users the wi-fi service that allows them to connect to the Internet with their mobile devices in a simple, immediate and secure way.

The wi-fi service coverage is distributed over all the University's plexuses thanks to the presence more than 700 access points and is continuously expanding. 
Coverage is guaranteed in all lecture halls and study areas dedicated to students.

The service is aimed at all users in possession of University credentials.

The University of Parma also adheres to the worldwide federation of universities and research institutions Eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing) to promote the free mobility of students, faculty and researchers and allows wi-fi connection to external users with the credentials of other federated institutions.

Connection mode and SSID

Access to the University of Parma's wi-fi network is possible in several ways.

  • Federated access through eduroam (SSID eduroam): access, for all members of the Eduroam federation, to the wi-fi of the University of Parma and other federated entities. Access is recommended for users who use a wi-fi connection stably and which guarantees a higher level of security (via 802.1X and WPA/WPA2 protocols). It allows for one-time credential entry. Configuration can be automated for many of the popular operating systems through the eduroam_CAT (Configuration Assistant Tool) service.
  • WPA access (SSID UNIPR-WPA): similar access to Eduroam, it has the same technological features but allows access only to users with University accounts. As with Eduroam access, configuration can be automated using eduroam_CAT.

Event connectivity

To provide wi-fi connectivity to guests of events such as workshops, conferences or similar, the creation of temporary accounts is possible.
The creation and management of credentials (strictly personal in order to comply with current regulations) is the responsibility of the staff responsible for the organization of the event through a web page.
Once created, the credentials must be activated: activation is possible for a maximum of 15 days, but the procedure is repeatable up to 30 days after the date of creation. 
Credentials are functional immediately as soon as they are activated.
Access to the credential creation and management page is restricted to structured University staff.
The credential creation page is available at this link.

EmiliaRomagnaWiFi Service

The University, in collaboration with Lepida, has implemented the "EmiliaRomagnaWiFi" service, which is already present in other public institutions in the city, including the Hospital and schools.

The service is provided only in environments where events involving users from outside the University are often organized, and allows immediate, authentication-free access to the wifi network.

The service is propagated continuously in the following areas:

Headquarters: ground floor corridors and Aula Magna;
ParmaUniverCity Info Point (Sottopasso Ponte Romano);
Valserena Abbey;
Science and Technology Campus: Science Classroom Complex Conference Center, Multipurpose Complex Auditorium, Sant'Elisabetta Center;
Veterinary Pole: libraries;
Botanical Garden: library;
Central Economics Complex: conference room;
Plotta Complex: archives and library;
San Francesco Complex: House of Music

In other locations, the "EmiliaRomagnaWiFi" service may be activated as needed for specific events by contacting:

Enabled users

Structured Users
Validated Guests
Accounts of other
federated entities
Wi-fi enabled guests
Pre-registration self-registered
Modified on

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