"The Rector may appoint by decree one or more Vice Rectors with specific powers" (Art. 9 of the University Statute). As of November 6th 2023 and for the six-year academic period 2023/2024 - 2028/2029, the Vice Rectors of the University are: BAGLIONI prof. Simone Vice Rector for Education email: prorettore.didattica@unipr.it DEL RIO prof. Daniele Vice Rector for Research and Technology Transfer email: prorettore.ricerca@unipr.it MANCINI prof.ssa Maria Cecilia Vice Rector for International Relations and Mobility email: prorettrice.internazionale@unipr.it MARCHINI prof. Pier Luigi Vice Rector for Planning, Programming and Control email: prorettore.pianificazione@unipr.it PELOSI prof. Giorgio Vice Rector for EUGREEN Network email: prorettore.eugreen@unipr.it PIAZZA prof.ssa Isotta Vice Rector for the Right to Study and Student Services email: prorettrice.studenti@unipr.it PRATI prof. Andrea Vice Rector for Information Systems, Innovation and PNRR email: prorettore.innovazione@unipr.it STORTI prof. Fabrizio Deputy Rector and Vice Rector for the Third Mission (University and Society) email: vicario@unipr.it