Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

How to register for exams

It's possible to register for exams exclusively through ESSE3 system, available at page:

Access to ESSE3 requires University credentials (user name of the type <firstname.lastname> and related password).

Once authenticated, under the section EXAMS all the dates available for registration will appear. Only teachings included in one's own electronic booklet will be featured. To consult one's own booklet, go to the section "CAREER - booklet".

How to activate an internship during the Master's program

You can find more information regarding the internship period at link 

Information on self-certifications and certificates

Requests for certificates should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Below the link to the guide for obtaining certificates

certificate request form

In the page you will find information on the procedure for the request of certificates for enrolment or attainment of qualifications


The 30 euro admission fee, and the enrolment fee envisaged for master's course with selection, must be remitted through PAGO PA. In the attached guide below you will find the information to carry out the procedure.

Carta del docente

Teachers belonging to Italian national educational institutions who intend to enrol or who are enrolled in courses of study at the University of Parma (degree courses, individual courses, professional training and refresher courses, specialization courses, master courses and research doctorate courses ) can use the bonus docenti, up to its maximum value of 500€, to cover all or part of the tuition fees. The University is in fact accredited to the ministerial carta del docente system.


The interested teachers/students must access the carta del docente ministerial portal and generate the voucher for the desired amount in the category relating to the use of the voucher (e.g. training and updating); the instructions to follow are available on the portal itself. 

The voucher must then be printed or saved in digital format (pdf) and delivered or sent, together with the form attached below, to the competent registrar office, which will validate the voucher and register the payment, covering all or part of the enrolment fee. If the amount does not fully cover the fee a payment slip will be generated with the residual amount that the teacher/student will have to pay.

Enrollment contribution paid by the company  of which the'enrollee

Please note that, in case the payment of the enrolment fee is made by a company or an institution in the name and on behalf of the student, the payment must be made by bank transfer to be made on a single State Treasury Account if a public body provides for the payment or via PagoPA node in case of External Private Entities (companies, professional firms, etc..)  pay the registration fee of their employees/associates.

Refund of application fee

To request a refund of the enrolment fee (available only in the event of non-activation of the Master, following the failure to reach the minimum number of students), download and complete the form attached below and send it to the email address, alongside a copy of identification and codice fiscale




registration fee refund request form

Title application procedure

The online application for obtaining the title is active. Masters students must connect to the link with their university credentials and follow the instructions contained in the guide attached below. 

 The system processing the application carries out blocking checks which, if not satisfied, prevent you from continuing; therefore students are invited to settle their situation in advance regarding:

  • regular enrolment in the academic year (regular enrolment in the second year for two-year masters)
  • student career (be up to date with the payment of all necessary contributions)

After submitting the application, the master student must upload the final thesis, in PDF/A format, at the same link of the application, following the instructions contained in the guide below.

Please note that students attending postgraduate courses, after completing the application procedure for obtaining the qualification, will not be able to modify the data relating to the authorization of the disclosure of their personal and career data to third-party companies. This data, selected during the compilation of the title application, will therefore be considered definitive.


guide for title application

Double enrolment

Further information relating to double enrolment in two higher education courses within the same University or belonging to universities, schools or higher institutes with a special system is available here

Suspension of studies

A student may request temporary suspension of a career related to a master's course by submitting a reasoned application. Suspension may be requested, for any of the following reasons: attendance of study abroad, attendance of a university master's course or higher education, attendance of teacher training and qualifying courses, enrolment in a graduate school or PhD program, serious and prolonged infirmity duly certified, as well as for the birth of a child. During the suspension period, the student is not required to pay tuition and university fees with respect to the suspended career and is precluded from any educational activities. The student must make a formal request to the Master Executive Committee by submitting the attached form. To resume educational activities, the student must request formal reactivation of their career with the attached form

Renunciation of studies

Withdrawal from studies is an irrevocable formal act by which the student decides to end his university career. Attached is the form to submit the renouncement of enrollment in a University Master.


University Masters and Advanced Courses

P.le San Francesco 3 - 43121 Parma

tel. 0521 033708

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