ERASMUS+ SMS - Student Mobility for Studies
Mobility for Study under the Erasmus+ Programme (SMS) has a duration between 2 and 12 months. The Mobility Period may be complemented with a traineeship period. In the case of blended mobility, the minimum physical mobility duration period is 2 months.
For all exchange students is available the Guide for exchange students for study
ERASMUS+ BIP (Blended Intensive Programmes)
Joint program in at least three program countries, where learners come together. Learners can be students or staff participating in a training activity. It includes both a physical activity and an online component.
BIPs support:
- the development of transnational and transdisciplinary study programmes
- innovative ways of learning and teaching
- online collaboration and inquiry-based learning
- challenge-based approaches that address societal challenges.
BIPs offer the opportunity to reach new groups of students, for example those studying in fields where mobility opportunities have been limited or those who lack confidence going abroad on their own.
ERASMUS+ ICM - International Credit Mobility - Exchanges with Partner Countries
The International Credit Mobility (ICM) for studies under the Erasmus+ Programme allows students from partner countries to carry out periods of mobility at the University of Parma. ICM mobility is active only in the presence of collaborative projects between the EU and the non-EU partner institution or institutions. The details of this type of mobility may vary according to the Academic Year and the precise arrangements of each partnership.
Double Degree Programmes
Participation in a Double Degree program is a high-level study opportunity. Upon completion of the agreed study plans, the selected students will obtain both the qualification issued by the University of origin and the corresponding qualification issued by the University of Parma. The frequency of Double Degree programs can take place both within the Erasmus SMS program and within the Overworld programmes.
The complete list of Double Degree programs currently active at the University of Parma and the respective partner institutions is available here.
The study or traineeship exchange in the framework of a double degree programme period can be completed in different ways, depending on personal, institutional or circumstantial conditions. The University of Parma encourages, supports and promotes the following mobility structures:
- Physical mobility: physical presence at the University of Parma for the entire duration of the exchange period;
- Online mobility: attendance of courses in virtual mode, without moving from the country of origin to Parma;
- Blended Mobility: a mix between physical mobility and online mobility; the student can choose to alternate between physical and online mobility, depending on personal preferences and any mitigating factors.
Some limitations may concern the types of eligible mobility, depending on the specific objectives of the exchange and the provisions of the Mobility Program under which the exchange is carried out.