Call for the allocation of mobility grants for a.y. 2024/2025
This Call for Applicants integrates the opportunities of both the European ERASMUS+ Program and the University's OVERWORLD Program, offering students all of the partner institutions having a running exchange agreement with the University of Parma. Aim is to facilitate access to mobility for an ever-increasing number of enrolled students.
Within the new Call you can find all the information you need to participate in mobility to European and non-European universities, in order to:
- attend courses and take exams for the purpose of acquiring credits;
- attend courses and take related examinations along with conducting curricular internships at the destination location;
- conduct research and attend courses for doctoral students;
- prepare undergraduate and doctoral theses;&
- participate in dual degree programs within degree programs that offer this opportunity;
- participate in special projects active within the University.
The Call for Applicants is authorized and published by Rector's Decree n. 2275 on November 17, 2023 (prot. n. 292685).
The deadline for the submission of applications is at 12:00 (CET) on FEBRUARY 2nd, 2024.
The official presentation video is available at this link.
Submission of applications through ESSE3 system is open from DECEMBER 18th, 2023.
The ranking is approved with DR n. 722/2024 (Prot. n. 87313) updated to 27th March 2024, as the previous version was missing some data.
Following the publication of the rankings, we inform you that acceptance of the assigned locations is possible, within 5 days of the publication of the ranking, and in any case no later than 28 March 2024, by filling out the form available here.
The Call documents
In this section you may find all the necessary documents to submit your application for an exchange place within the University Call for Applications, valid for spending an exchange study period during the academic year 2024/2025.