Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

The "Incentive Share" of the University Fund for Research - FIL is intended to support strategic initiatives for the University, such as competitive planning at national and European level, support for basic research, improvement of research quality indicators of PhD students or newly hired Professors. The "incentive share" is directly allocated by the University's Governing Bodies on the basis of actions activated for the purpose.

University Call for Research 2022

The University Call for Research 2022 is financed primarily through resources under Ministerial Decree No. 737 of 25/06/2021, which has as its primary objective to support cross-cutting, robust and effective research that is fully embedded in the European and international context, and consistent with the themes identified by the NRP 2021-2027.


  • PHASE 1 Action A: June 13 12:00 noon to June 2022 12:00 noon
  • PHASE 2 Action A: July 25 12:00 noon to August 31, 2022 12:00 noon
  • PHASE ONE Action B: July 25 12:00 noon to August 31, 2022 12:00 noon
  • Action C: no deadline, until all available funds

University Call for Research 2022

The University Call for Research 2022 is financed primarily through resources under Ministerial Decree No. 737 of 25/06/2021, which has as its primary objective to support cross-cutting, robust and effective research that is fully embedded in the European and international context, and consistent with the themes identified by the NRP 2021-2027.


  • PHASE 1 Action A: June 13 12:00 noon to June 2022 12:00 noon
  • PHASE 2 Action A: July 25 12:00 noon to August 31, 2022 12:00 noon
  • PHASE ONE Action B: July 25 12:00 noon to August 31, 2022 12:00 noon
  • Action C: no deadline, until all available funds

Il “Bando di Ateneo per la ricerca 2023” ha l’obiettivo strategico di rendere la ricerca di Ateneo più competitiva attraverso programmi pluriennali di finanziamento di progetti di ricerca a forte contenuto innovativo. Le Azioni previste da questo intervento mirano, da un lato, a mettere i gruppi di ricerca nella condizione di continuare a sviluppare ricerca di altissimo profilo, anche in vista di una più efficace progettualità in campo internazionale, dall'altro lato, si vuole provvedere a un rilancio dei gruppi che, per carenza di fondi o mancanza di massa critica, non sono ancora in grado di esprimere tutto il loro potenziale. 

University Call for Research 2022

The University Call for Research 2022 is financed primarily through resources under Ministerial Decree No. 737 of 25/06/2021, which has as its primary objective to support cross-cutting, robust and effective research that is fully embedded in the European and international context, and consistent with the themes identified by the NRP 2021-2027.


  • PHASE 1 Action A: June 13 12:00 noon to June 2022 12:00 noon
  • PHASE 2 Action A: July 25 12:00 noon to August 31, 2022 12:00 noon
  • PHASE ONE Action B: July 25 12:00 noon to August 31, 2022 12:00 noon
  • Action C: no deadline, until all available funds

The University Call for Research 2021, for a total of € 1,210,000.00,  is financed mainly thanks to the resources of Ministerial Decree No. 737 of 25/06/2021, which has as its primary objective to support cross-cutting, robust and effective research, fully inserted in the European and international context, and consistent with the themes identified by the PNR 2021-2027.


University Call 2020 for Research/lt;/p>p>With this call, the’University of Parma intends to increase the competitiveness of its scientific and humanistic research areas, continuing a multi-year program that includes both the strengthening of human, instrumental and laboratory resources and the support of University Research Projects.

pPart 1 - Funding for University Research Projects (FIL-Incentive Fee); Part 2 - Funding for acquisition and maintenance of scientific equipment.



A total of €2,100,000.00 is allocated for the different areas included in the University's Call for Research Support 2020.  


L’Università di Parma intende incrementare la competitività delle proprie aree di ricerca scientifica ed umanistica attraverso un programma poliennale che comprende sia il rafforzamento delle risorse umane, strumentali e di laboratorio, sia il sostegno a Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo.

L’Ateneo, a tale fine, ha sottoscritto in data 29 ottobre 2018 un Accordo con la Fondazione Cariparma che erogherà un contributo pari a € 600.000,00 e ha stanziato ulteriori € 400.000,00, a valere sul Fondo FIL- Quota incentivante, per un ammontare complessivo di € 1.000.000,00 destinato al finanziamento dei Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo

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