Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

To encourage traveling by public transport and promote class attendance, the University of Parma has signed an agreement with TEP and Crédit Agricole offering significant fare reductions and installment payments for annual city and intercity bus passes in Parma.

The agreement is effective from 21 August to 15 November 2023 and is intended for regular on-course students at the University. The agreement has been extended to 30 November 2023.

To access the grant simply present the ad-hoc voucher (downloadable at subject to eligibility) and the MiMuovo card (alternatively a passport photo), activate your Student Card - CartaConto Università di Parma - at a Crédit Agricole Italia branch or online, and use it to make the payment.

Subscriptions can be purchased at several TEP points:

The MiMuovo card costs 5 euros and can be requested at by selecting the desired subscription. The card can be collected after 7 days at Crédit Agricole Italia, agency 14, via Langhirano 51, where the Student Card can be directly activated. Once you have collected your MiMuovo card, simply reload it online at or at TEP ticket offices by using the Student Card.

To access the deal students must pay half of the subsidised cost to TEP upon subscription, using the bank activated Unipr Student Card as a means of payment, then regularly pay the November 2023 fees, and finally pay the remaining half of the subscription cost to the University when paying the April 2024 tuition installment. If a student does not pay the November 2023 fees, TEP will discontinue the student's subscription after 3 months from subscription if urban, and 5 months (or the number of months as to cover the cost paid by the student at the time of subscription) if interurban, with no reactivation option.

The new subsidised rates can be found in the prospectus below.

For further information please write to and



  1. Cosa si intende in corso regolare di studi?

Si intende studente in corso regolare di studi lo studente che non ha debiti pregressi, che è in regola con il pagamento della tassa regionale e del bollo e la cui carriera non deve avere anzianità superiore alla durata legale

L’anzianità di iscrizione universitaria viene calcolata a partire dal 1° anno di immatricolazione in qualunque Università italiana. Il cambio di corso di laurea o di Università non azzera l’anzianità di iscrizione.

Non viene preso in considerazione il periodo di interruzione degli studi per gli studenti che interrompono la carriera nei seguenti casi:

  • per le studentesse per l’anno di nascita di ciascun figlio
  • per gravi e prolungate infermità debitamente certificate
  • interruzione della carriera per almeno due anni accademici consecutivi
  • Per gli studenti decaduti, rinunciatari o per gli studenti che comunque effettuano una nuova immatricolazione, l’anno di prima immatricolazione retrocede proporzionalmente all’anno di corso a cui sono stati ammessi.


  1. Come attivare la Student Card ai servizi bancari (Carta Conto)?

La Student Card può essere attivata ai servizi bancari al seguente link oppure nelle filiali Crédit Agricole.


  3. Come recuperare il PIN della CartaConto?

Per coloro che hanno attivato la CartaConto, il PIN può essere recuperato andando su APP CA Italia.

Il PIN della CartaConto è sempre visualizzabile al percorso Carte e Conti > Carte > CartaConto > PIN e Gestione Carta > Visualizza PIN Carta, previa autorizzazione con PIN dispositivo o dato biometrico.  

To encourage traveling by public transport and promote class attendance, the University of Parma has signed an agreement with SETA S.p.A. (the company operating urban and interurban bus routes in the province of Piacenza) and Crédit Agricole Italia.

The agreement is effective from 21 August to 15 November 2023 and is available to all new students and those in regular course of study. It involves significant fare reductions for urban and non-urban annual bus passes in Piacenza. The agreement has been extended to 31 December 2023.

To access the grant, students must first activate the Unipr Student Card as CartaConto University of Parma, and use it to make the payment.

To apply go to Piacenza Bus Station ticket office, via Colombo n.1 during opening hours and submit:

  • the voucher with alphanumeric code downloadable at, subject to eligibility
  • the MiMuovo card or a passport photo;  the card will be issued immediately at a cost of 5 euros, with5 years validity
  • an identity document and tax code
  • the Student Card - CartaConto Università di Parma, to be used for the payment.

For further information please write to, call SETA at 840 000 216 or WhatsApp 334 219 4058.



  1. Cosa si intende in corso regolare di studi?

Si intende studente in corso regolare di studi lo studente che non ha debiti pregressi, che è in regola con il pagamento della tassa regionale e del bollo e la cui carriera non deve avere anzianità superiore alla durata legale

L’anzianità di iscrizione universitaria viene calcolata a partire dal 1° anno di immatricolazione in qualunque Università italiana. Il cambio di corso di laurea o di Università non azzera l’anzianità di iscrizione.

Non viene preso in considerazione il periodo di interruzione degli studi per gli studenti che interrompono la carriera nei seguenti casi:

  • per le studentesse per l’anno di nascita di ciascun figlio
  • per gravi e prolungate infermità debitamente certificate
  • interruzione della carriera per almeno due anni accademici consecutivi
  • Per gli studenti decaduti, rinunciatari o per gli studenti che comunque effettuano una nuova immatricolazione, l’anno di prima immatricolazione retrocede proporzionalmente all’anno di corso a cui sono stati ammessi.


  1. Come attivare la Student Card ai servizi bancari (Carta Conto)?

La Student Card può essere attivata ai servizi bancari al seguente link oppure nelle filiali Crédit Agricole.


  3. Come recuperare il PIN della CartaConto?

Per coloro che hanno attivato la CartaConto, il PIN può essere recuperato andando su APP CA Italia.

Il PIN della CartaConto è sempre visualizzabile al percorso Carte e Conti > Carte > CartaConto > PIN e Gestione Carta > Visualizza PIN Carta, previa autorizzazione con PIN dispositivo o dato biometrico.  

TEP discounted season tickets for UNIPR students

Effective January 1, 2023, the new local public transport fares came into effect.
The new fares for students are as follows:

  • three-month season ticket: 85 euros instead of 80 euros
  • annual season ticket: 195 euros instead of 155 euros.

The discount is available to all students of the University of Parma, including Master's and PhD, without age limit.

To claim the reduced fare, students must go to TEP counters (passes cannot be recharged at retail outlets, ATMs and online) bringing the self-certification that can be downloaded from the Esse3 website (instructions are attached below).

TEP has a system for booking appointments so as to avoid waiting. Reservations can be made online at or phoning 0521 214441 (working days from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.).


Night service

To meet the demands of students, TEP has made significant changes to the evening and night runs. As of 12 September 2023, Prontobus service and night lines 2N and 4N will be discontinued, while daytime services on lines 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 21 will be extended after 8 p.m., with 30 minutes frequency. Services will run until midnight from Sunday to Thursday, and until 1:30 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.

Night runs will be accessible with regular tickets and passes, at no additional cost.

The new night services cover the city center, the ER.GO residence in San Pancrazio (1 run/hour) and the university campus area.

Check out TEP webpage for full details:


Direct line Campus - San Lazzaro - East Cittadella

From October will start a direct run from San Lazzaro/East Citadel/Stadium to the Science and Technology Campus, consisting of 3 round trips a day.


Line 6 - Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

For the benefit of Veterinary students, Line 6 route has been extended by moving the bus stop near the University's campus.


“Mi Muovo regional rail pass - free travel on city bus routes”

With an annual or monthly subscription to the regional rail service you can travel for free on buses in 13 cities in Emilia-Romagna (nine main cities plus Carpi, Imola and Faenza). Free public transportation is valid in both city of departure and arrival. For detailed information and to download the application form please visit the Emilia Romanga Region website


Tax deductibility

The 2018 Budget Law introduced a 19% tax deduction on expenses incurred in the purchase of season tickets for local, regional and interregional public transport services, for a maximum annual cost of 250 euros.

University employees can benefit from discounted local bus fares. The City of Parma approved the new fares effective from 01.01.2023.

The annual urban season ticket increases from 220 to 260 euros;
the six-month urban season ticket increases from 130 to 170 euros.
For interurban routes only the annual season ticket is available at a rate according to the route of interest.

If you do not already own the Mi Muovo card there is an additional cost of 5 euros. The Mi Muovo card is valid for five years.

The personnel concerned must access the web page and, after the authentication phase, must fill in the application form. Once completed and submitted, the request will be automatically recorded in the University protocol and sent to the Salaries, Compensation and Welfare Organisational Unit to apply the deduction.

For the issuance of the subsidised season ticket, the applicant must make an appointment online at the link, then go to the TEP ticket office in Piazzale Barbieri (Barriera Bixio), bringing the following documents:

  • the printout of the application form containing the unique code that TEP will use to identify the applicant as a University employee
  • the Mi Muovo card
  • a passport photo (only in case of first card issue)

For more information please contact corporate Mobility Manager Iacci Chiara at

30 May 2023 update

The agreement between Infomobility and the University of Parma promotes sustainable transport for home-university travel through discounted rates for the university community.

Parma Bike Sharing
The agreement entails a subsidized annual registration fee of 15 euros instead of 25 euros (including a 5-euro recharge) and 10 euros for renewals instead of 15 euros. As a reminder, the first half hour of use of the Parma Bike Sharing service is always free, even several times a day. For more information on the service:

Secure parking for bicycles, motorcycles and scooters at the Cicletteria
The annual subscription for parking at Cicletteria near Parma train station has a discounted rate of 120 euros instead of 160 euros; for monthly subscriptions, the discounted rate is 11 euros instead of 15 euros. A new feature of the agreement entails parking for motorcycles and scooters at 225 or 285 euros (depending on engine power) instead of 300 or 380 euros yearly and 21 or 26 euros instead of 28 or 35 euros monthly. These discounted rates also apply to future renewals.

Subscription of agreements
Subscriptions for Parma Bike Sharing and bike, motorcycle and scooter parking can be purchased at the Cicletteria by proving your affiliation to the university (by presenting your University ID badge, Student Card or "substitute declaration" form, downloadable from the Infomobility website). A valid ID card must be produced.

Additional information:

Emilia-Romagna encourages the use of bicycles by partially reimbursing the purchase of a pedal-assisted bicycle or cargo bike. A higher grant is awarded to citizens who have scrapped a car.

For the year 2023 only purchases made from 7 August 2023 onwards will be eligible for the contribution.

Regarding the increased contribution for scrapping a car, scrappings occurred from 1 January 2023 will be accepted.

Detailed information on the grant is available at the dedicated webpage.

Application deadlines:

  • year 2023: from 20 September 2 p.m. to 26 December 12 p.m.
  • year 2024: from 9 January to 31 December 12 p.m.
  • year 2025:   from 9 January to 1 July 12 p.m.


To promote traffic decongestion in urban areas and reduce the use of individual private transportation, businesses and public administrations are required to adopt a home-to-work travel plan (PSCL) for their employees and  appoint a mobility manager with ongoing professional support functions for decision-making, planning, programming, management and promotion of optimal sustainable mobility solutions (D L. No. 34 of 19.05.2020 converted into L. No. 77 of 17.07.2020).

The mobility manager of the University of Parma is Ing. Chiara Iacci who deals with students and employees mobility.

The corporate mobility manager has the following duties:
(a) developing of the PSCL and implementing interventions of employee mobility to enable permanent reduction of the environmental impact resulting from vehicular traffic in urban and metropolitan areas;
(b) supporting adoption of the PSCL;
c) monitoring the implementation of the PSCL by tracking employee travel and assessing satisfaction levels;
d) maintening relations with public and private entities directly involved in managing employees travel;
e) activities of information, dissemination and awareness on sustainable mobility;
f) training and guidance actions to encourage the use of bicycle and pedestrian mobility, public transport services and complementary services, including those of an innovative nature, in collaboration with the area mobility manager;
g) supporting the area mobility manager in promoting interventions to encourage intermodality, development of safe bicycle and pedestrian routes, efficiency and effectiveness of public transport services, development of shared mobility services and infomobility services.

The home-work Commute Plan (PSCL) aims to reduce private car use and identifies the measures to make home-work commuting a sustainable reality, based on employees' commuting, their mobility needs and the public transport offer of the area in question.


The PSCL defines the benefits of the implementation of the measures it envisages, assessing the advantages both for the employees (travel time, transport costs and transport comfort) and the public administration (in economic and productivity terms, for the community and in environmental, social and economic terms).



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