INFO Results - registration pre-immatriculation
As indicated on art. 7 of the Competition Notice
Candidates will be able to check whether they have qualified for admission to the chosen Doctorate Program, in the reserved dedicated website area, under the item admission tests, by logging in with the same procedures used to register for the competitive examination on the University website
The publication of the short-list on the website shall be the only official publiations of the outcomes of the competitive examination and, therefore, no personal notification shall be sent to the winning candidates.
from the Art. 8 - ENROLMENT of the Competition Notice
Successful applicants will have to complete a pre-enrolment procedure EXCLUSIVELY ON-LINE, accessing on the Esse3 Portal application from 12th September 2024, 12 pm (Italian time) to without exception until 17th September 2024, 12 pm (Italian time).
In order to pre-enrol, applicants shall:
- Log in Esse3 Portal application with your credentials (with SPID for Italian citizens or for those who have it);
- Click on Registrar’s office => ENROLMENT => ENROLMENT Online => STANDARD ENROLMENT and follow the procedure. In this phase, the winner are required to upload the scan of the personal identification document entered and of the tax code (foreign citizens without a tax code issued by the Italian Revenue Agency will be able to attach a declaration of the tax code created when registering for the competition);
- At the end print the Enrolment Form;
- Proced with the payment of the Enrolment Tax as pursuant Article 10 below (REGISTRAR’S OFFICE => PAYMENT) trough the PagoPA system, according to the Italian Law;
- Send to until 17th September 2024 the following scanned documents:
- Valid ID or passport (both sides);
- Enrolment Form filled and signed;
- Payment receipt of the Enrolment Tax;
- Declaration attesting the qualifications held (High School Diploma and Master's/Specialist Degree) for applicants outside the University of PARMA, according to the model downloadable at University website; (see below on the page)
- Declaration of ORCID profile (ORCID is a unique and permanent identification number attributed to the individual researcher and which, thanks to the integration with Web of Science and Scopus, allows you to easily populate your author profile with all future publications, also in order to keep track of the different affiliations of the researcher during his/her professional life. To register, visit the page;
- Scholarship forms (only for successful applicants with scholarship), downloadable at University website: (see below on the page)
- the Scholarship Acceptance Form or Withdrawal Form for the entire duration of the course (those attending a school of specialization will have to fill in the scholarship acceptance form reserved for them);
- current account form for crediting the scholarship (enter the bank details also on Esse3 Portal application => PERSONAL DATA/CHANGE DATA/PAYMENTS AND REFUNDS/METHOD/IBAN);
- declaration certifying the INPS (Social Security Insurance) status by using the form included among those of the scholarship acceptance;
- Registration receipt for the separate management of contribution by INPS (Social Security Insurance) for the payment of the scholarship (if not available immediately, no later than 31.12.2024;
Enrolments and payments carried out in ways differ from the ones indicated above will not be accepted.
Applicants who do not complete the enrolment procedure shall be considered as having tacitly refused their PhD position and vacancies will be offered to the next available applicant as by final ranking. Enrolment will become effective only after the presentation of all the above-mentioned documents within the specific deadline.
Only at the start of the course will the enrollment be made final and an email will be sent from the enrollment confirmation system, containing the University credentials (i.e. student number and e-mail address). The University of Parma will officially communicate with its students only via the institutional email account for any administrative information regarding the PhD course.
At the moment of the enrolment, those who are yet to obtain the degree entitling them to enroll in a PhD programme (see Art. 2), will be registered with reserve. The qualification must however be obtained before the start of the course, no later than 31.10.2024. In order to complete the registration, candidates have to send to the following documents:
- Self-certification (or official certification, if the degree has been obtained either in EU or non-EU foreign countries, or if the degree has been awarded at an Italian Private University). The above mentioned certificates must indicate: University Name, graduation date, type of degree (in Italy laurea specialistica/magistrale, magistrale a ciclo unico, vecchio ordinamento or an equivalent degree as specified in Art. 2) and final mark;
- Scanned copy of a Valid ID with photo;
8.2 Replacement positions enrolmet
Following a waiver by the winners of the selection, whether explicit or tacit, replacements will be made in line with the final ranking. A communication shall be sent to the applicant taking over the available position via e-mail with an indication of the enrollment deadlines assigned at the same time. Enrollment takes place according to the procedure described in the previous paragraph.
Candidates who received the notice of substitution, but intend to renounce the enrollment, must communicate their refusal without delay so that the available position can be offered to other applicants. The refusal must be notified via e-mail to, attaching the scanned front-back copy of a valid ID document.
Eligible applicants who do not enroll within the indicated deadline will be considered tacitly withdrawn.
8.3 Information for applicants in need of a VISA
The applicants who require a VISA to stay in Italy, after the completion of the University enrolment process, by submitting the forms for them referred to in the previous paragraph, must proceed immediately with registration on the UNIVERSITALY Portal and carry out the “pre-enrolment” to the PhD programme, following the indicated procedure to obtain the VISA. After that they must send a communication via e-mail to of successful pre-enrolment, in order to validate and confirm the information entered, necessary for the issuing of the VISA by the Italian Embassies abroad.
Moreover, on their arrival to Italy, applicants are also invited to promptly send the following documents to, also for the purposes of payment of the scholarship:
- Valid Permit of Stay. Those who are not in possesion of this document must apply within 8 days from their arrival in Italy, according to the Italian legislation on Immigration and send a copy of the receipt issued by “Questura”. They will also have to provide a document proving the insurance coverage for medical treatment and hospitalization;
- Italian Tax Code issued by Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia dell’Entrate).
8.4 Information for applicants with a non-Italian Degree
PhD candidates in posses of a foreign degree that have passed the selection, shall be admitted conditionally until they submit the "dichiarazione di valore in loco del titolo posseduto" [declaration of local value of the degree held] along with the certificate of the relative exams and marks, translated and certified by the Italian diplomatic representation in the Country where the degree was attained. The declaration of value shall certify that the held degree is valid, in the Country where it was issued, for admission to an academic programme similar to a PhD Research.
If the above declaration of value is not available at the time of enrolment, a document shall be provided giving evidence that the application for its issue has been submitted to the competent diplomatic representation and it shall be turned in as soon as possible. As an alternative to the declaration of value, a Diploma Supplement can be attached issued by higher education institutions belonging to the EU or a certificate of comparability issued by CIMEA Center (further information at
PhD candidates with a degree issued by non-EU institutions must provide a document attesting the validity and the comparability of the qualification awarded (e. g. Diploma Supplement, Declaration of Value - Dichiarazione di Valore in loco - of the second-cycle degree issued by the Italian Diplomatic authorities located in the country in which the qualification was awarded, recognition of foreign qualifications carried out by agencies like the ones of ENIC-NARIC network). Those who have not provided such documents during the application step shall submit them after the enrolment, within three months from the starting date of the PhD programme.
The University reserves the right to request the documents attesting the validity and comparability of the awarded qualifications also for those issued in EU countries.
Foreign citizens results winners shall complete and submit the above-mentioned forms reserved for them. For information and assistance regarding the Tax ID Code, accomodation and Permit of stay, foreign citizens may contact the CENTRO ACCOGLIENZA E INCLUSIONE ( - International Studenti Desk (ISD)
Forms to be presented:
1. Accettazione BORSA ITALIANI normale
3. Accettazione BORSA STRANIERI - IT ver
3. SCHOLARSHIP acceptance for foreign – EN ver
4. Dichiarazione per iscrizione STRANIERI senza borsa IT ver
4. DECLARATION ENROLLMENT without scholarship for FOREIGN – EN ver
5. Dichiarazione per profilo ORCID – IT ver
5. Declaration for ORCID profile – EN ver
6. Dichiarazione per iscrizione LAUREATI fuori sede Parma - IT - ver
6. Declaration attesting the qualifications held - EN ver
7. Modulo rinuncia alla borsa di studio al momento dell’iscrizione - Renounciation to the financial aid
8. Modulo di rinuncia all'iscrizione al corso di dottorato - IT ver
8. Renounciation to the enrollment – EN ver