Italian language competence test
If you have chosen a degree course taught in Italian and you do not have any international certification proving Italian language competence at least of level B2, you must take the Italian language test.
The Italian language test of the University of Parma is valid for 2 years: candidates who passed the test in the 2022-2023 academic year do not need to repeat the test.
- The University of Parma recognizes the following certifications:(Università per stranieri di Perugia CELI, Università per stranieri di Siena CILS, Università Roma Tre ROMA3, Società “Dante Alighieri” PLIDA;)
If you already have an international certification proving Italian language competence at least of level B2, you don’t have to take the Italian language test.
The exam is held online (synchronous modality) through Microsoft Teams and the University of Parma’s e-learning platform.
Candidates can take the test only once.
The Italian language test of the University of Parma is administered in the following dates:
- 19-20-21 June 2024 (registration closing date: 9 June 2024)
- 21-22-23 August 2024 (registration closing date: 5 August 2024)
- 16-17-18 October 2024 (registration closing date: 7 October 2024)
The link to the virtual classroom and the exact time of the test are sent via email 2 days before the exam.
Candidates who want to access fixed-quota degree courses in:
- Medicine and Surgery,
- Dentistry
- Veterinary Medicine
- Architecture, Regeneration, Sustainability
- degree courses in healthcare professions (Nursery, Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Speech therapy, Orthotics and ophthalmologic care, Audioprosthetic techniques, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques, Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques, Professional Education)
must take the test by and no later than August 23-24-25.
In order to take the test, it is necessary to:
- complete the pre-enrollment procedure at the Universitaly platform (please, follow the procedure indicated in the guide available below);
- complete the preliminary evaluation procedure outlined in the announcement for first-cycle degree courses and for single-cycle degree courses in Law, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology taught in Italian.
- register on the Online Registry Service (ESSE3) and ask for the @unipr credentials with a GUEST profile. Credentials are always necessary to access the online student registry services (the procedure for completing the registration as a "Guest User" is available in the appropriate guide at the end of this section);
- register at the University of Parma’s e-learning platform in the appropriate section (“Italian Language Test Reservation”, please remember that just one registration is possible);
- upload an identity document (passport) and a recent selfie in the appropriate section of the the University of Parma’s e-learning platform.
Candidates who do follow the procedure mentioned above are excluded from the test.
The day of the test, candidates must be equipped with 2 devices:
- a mobile phone (or another device) connected to Microsoft Teams platform; the mobile phone must be placed in such a way as to frame the candidate, the keyboard and the computer screen;
- a computer, equipped with camera, microphone, and speakers, connected to the University of Parma’s e-learning platform.
Differently, candidates are excluded from the test.
On the University of Parma’s e-learning platform candidates can find an online preparatory course as well as a mock test, relevant information and other useful materials.
Before taking the test, candidates are warmly invited to read carefully all the information and materials available on the University of Parma’s e-learning platform.
Candidates receive the results via email through Online Registry Service (Esse3).
Normally, candidates receive their result after 15-20 days from the date of the test.