Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Requirements to access the italian university system

In order to access the Italian University System, it is mandatory to demonstrate the acquisition of:

  • At least 12 years of compulsory education;
  • B2 certification of Italian language (as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or CEFR) for study programmes taught in Italian, to be submitted by the date of enrollment;
  • B2 certification of English language (CEFR) for study programmes taught in English language, to be submitted by the date of enrollment;
  • The high school diploma, for admission to Undergraduates degree programs (Bachelor’s and Single-Cycle Degrees)
  • The Bachelor's degree qualification, for admission to Master’s degree programs;

Non-EU citizens with a residence permit other than the one for study purposes, are asked to follow the same application procedures as EU students.

Students of Chinese nationality have seats reserved exclusively by joining the Marco Polo Project.

If you have not acquired 12 years of schooling, you can attend our Foundation Year to recover the missing years. Contacts:


Educational offer and access requirements

Admission to each study programme is limited to a maximum number of non-EU applicants approved annually by the competent Degree Councils; to check the number of places reserved for non-EU students, please check the “Manifesto degli studi”.

Our University offers 104 study programmes, 13 are taught in English language. To know the complete list of degree courses click here.

For information about enrollment in “Single Course Unit” click here.

For information about Postgraduate programs (Master's, Doctoral degrees and Postgraduate Schools), you can visit the Postgraduate page.

Register on ESSE3

Regardless of the selected course, before submitting your pre-evaluation request, you must proceed with the registration on the University Information System (ESSE3) and activate your University credentials. More details can be found at the following link.

To register on esse3 click here    

To activate your University credentials click here

Only after completing the registration and obtaining your credentials, you will be able to access the pre-evaluation process. Below you will find the explanation of the different pre-evaluation procedures to access one of the many study courses offered by the University of Parma.

Request your pre-evaluation and wait for the result

Each degree program has a different Additional Learning Requirements according to the degree course regulations. Make sure about the requirements of your study programme and then request a pre-evaluation of your educational qualifications, language skills and curriculum vitae.

For the a.y. 2024/2025, in order to access bachelor’s degree programs and the following single-cycle degree programs (Law, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology) you need to apply to a call of applications.

Application Deadline:  from April 23rd to May 31st 2024

Date for pre-enrolment and first installment deadline: Candidates reported in the following ranking list indicated with PRE-ADMISSION, must proceed with the pre-enrollment and the payment of the first installment of Euro 156.00, from 17 July  to 20 September 2024, as indicated inthe following sections.

For those who intend to enroll in a master's degree program taught in Italian, it is necessary to:

  1. Check the Learning requirements on the website of the study course of your interest
  2. Fill out the appropriate form attaching the documents related to your previous studies and the level of knowledge of the Italian language.

Deadline for pre-evaluation: ongoing

If your documentation results complete, the University will make a pre-evaluation of your qualifications.

If you do not reach the Italian language level required, language courses will be organized in preparation for the mandatory test.

For the following master's degree programs taught in English, request the pre-evaluation by logging on to the following online form.

Application Deadline:

from February 27th, 2024 to April 30th, 2024

from June 1th, 2024 to June 30th, 2024

For the following master’s degree programs request the pre-evaluation by following the specific online applications:

You don’t have to request the pre-evaluation in case of application to one of the following nationally-scheduled degrees:


Courses in Italian language

nformation on how to access the single-cycle degree programs in Medicine and Surgery and School of Dental Medicine; and the bachelor degree program in Health Professions will be published at the following page. Email contact

Information on how to access the single-cycle degree program in Veterinary Medicine will be published at the following page. Email contact

Information on how to access the bachelor degree program in Architecture regeneration sustainability will be published at the following page. Email contact


Courses in English language

Information on how to access the bachelor degree program of Dental Hygiene will be published at the following page. If you are interested in this degree program , you can express your interest by accessing the format and indicating your reasons. You will then receive all information regarding the organization of the course itself.Email contact

Information on how to access the single-cycle master's degree program of Medicine and surgery will be published at the following page. Email contact


You don’t have to request the pre-evaluation in case of application to restricted-access local degree courses.

You can find the call of applications at the following link.

Language requirements

In base alla lingua in cui è erogato il corso che hai scelto devi possedere degli specifici requisiti linguistici che saranno, se necessario, valutati.

Italian language competence test

If you have chosen a degree course taught in Italian and you do not have any international certification proving Italian language competence at least of level B2, you must take the Italian language test.

The Italian language test of the University of Parma is valid for 2 years: candidates who passed the test in the 2022-2023 academic year do not need to repeat the test.

  • The University of Parma recognizes the following certifications:(Università per stranieri di Perugia CELI, Università per stranieri di Siena CILS, Università Roma Tre ROMA3, Società “Dante Alighieri” PLIDA;)

If you already have an international certification proving Italian language competence at least of level B2, you don’t have to take the Italian language test.


The exam is held online (synchronous modality) through Microsoft Teams and the University of Parma’s e-learning platform

Candidates can take the test only once.


The Italian language test of the University of Parma is administered in the following dates:

  • 19-20-21 June 2024 (registration closing date: 9 June 2024)
  • 21-22-23 August 2024 (registration closing date: 5 August 2024)
  • 16-17-18 October 2024 (registration closing date: 7 October 2024)

The link to the virtual classroom and the exact time of the test are sent via email 2 days before the exam.

Candidates who want to access fixed-quota degree courses in:

  • Medicine and Surgery,
  • Dentistry
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Architecture, Regeneration, Sustainability
  • degree courses in healthcare professions (Nursery, Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Speech therapy, Orthotics and ophthalmologic care, Audioprosthetic techniques, Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques, Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques, Professional Education)

must take the test by and no later than August 23-24-25.


In order to take the test, it is necessary to:

  • complete the pre-enrollment procedure at the Universitaly platform (please, follow the procedure indicated in the guide available below);
  • complete the preliminary evaluation procedure outlined in the announcement for first-cycle degree courses and for single-cycle degree courses in Law, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology taught in Italian.
  • register on the Online Registry Service (ESSE3) and ask for the @unipr credentials with a GUEST profile. Credentials are always necessary to access the online student registry services (the procedure for completing the registration as a "Guest User" is available in the appropriate guide at the end of this section);
  • register at the University of Parma’s e-learning platform in the appropriate section (“Italian Language Test Reservation”, please remember that just one registration is possible); 
  • upload an identity document (passport) and a recent selfie in the appropriate section of the the University of Parma’s e-learning platform.

Candidates who do follow the procedure mentioned above are excluded from the test.


The day of the test, candidates must be equipped with 2 devices:

  • a mobile phone (or another device) connected to Microsoft Teams platform; the mobile phone must be placed in such a way as to frame the candidate, the keyboard and the computer screen;
  • a computer, equipped with camera, microphone, and speakers, connected to the University of Parma’s e-learning platform.

Differently, candidates are excluded from the test.


On the University of Parma’s e-learning platform candidates can find an online preparatory course as well as a mock test, relevant information and other useful materials.

Before taking the test, candidates are warmly invited to read carefully all the information and materials available on the University of Parma’s e-learning platform.


Candidates receive the results via email through Online Registry Service (Esse3). 

Normally, candidates receive their result after 15-20 days from the date of the test.

In order to access courses taught in English language, it will be mandatory to possess at least a B2 level of English (CEFR). The certificates recognized by the University of Parma are: TOEFL, IELTS, Trinity College London (TCL), Pearsons LTD, City and Guilds (Pitman), Cambridge English lanuage assestment, EDI (LCCIEB)

Are exempted to provide one of the above certifications:

  • mother tongue students;
  • students who have already undertaken at least one year of education in English. In this case it will be necessary to provide an English Proficiency letter, a letter issued by the university/institute on the student’s language skills acquired for having attended at least one year of English language studies or Medium of Instruction (MOI), an official document indicating the language in which the diploma or the degree was obtained.

Pre-register on Universitaly to send VISA application to the Embassy

To check which kind of VISA you need visit the  Farnesina website (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation).

To obtain the Study Entrance Visa (Type D), it is mandatory to pre-register online through the Universitaly Portal.

Select the University of Parma and then specify the Embassy/ Consulate. Once the University will submit its evaluation you will be able to download your “Summary” to submit to the Embassy/Consulate. Remember to upload the “Acceptance Letter” if requested by your study programme!

This pre-registration does not guarantee you the right to admission, you will need to meet all the other requirements as well.

The final decision on the issue of a visa for study purposes is the exclusive jurisdiction of the diplomatic/consular Mission.

Deadline for pre-registration on Universitaly:  by 29th November 2024

Pre-enrollment and first installment

Once received the positive outcome of your pre-evaluation, pre-enroll on ESSE3 (University information system) and proceed to pay the enrollment fee within the deadlines. More details can be found at the dedicated page.

To pre-register click here

Once you enter your personal area on ESSE3, in order to pre-enroll follow MENU > REGISTRAR'S OFFICE > ENROLLMENT.

Only after you have completed this procedure, you will be able to access MENU > REGISTRAR'S OFFICE> PAYMENTS and proceed with the payment of the €156.00 enrollment fee.

ATTENTION! If the enrollment fee is not paid by the deadline, it won’t be possible to continue with the registration process and the issuance of the tax code in Italy.

If after payment you fail to obtain the VISA, you can request a refund from ER.GO (Regional Company for the Right to Higher Studies).

Scholarships, tuition fees and accomodation

All information on the benefits reserved for non-EU students (scholarships, reduced tuition fees, housing, etc...) are available on the ER.GO website in the International Students section.

Information about accommodation services are available on the Welcome and Inclusion Center (CAI) website at the following link: welcome office. Contacts: Piazzale San Francesco 2.

Pay attention to deadlines! We suggest to send your application to Er.go before the finalization of the enrollment and before the Visa is obtained. Applications submitted after the notice deadline will not be accepted.

Request Tax code and Residence permit

Within 8 days of your arrival in Italy, it is legally mandatory to request your residence permit. In order to request it you’ll need to obtain your Tax Code.

You can find instructions on how to obtain your tax code and residence permit directly at the International Student Desk, located in Piazzale San Francesco 3. The office also offers support throughout the enrollment process.

Enroll at the student office of your study course

Procedures related to final enrollment can be completed only at the Student’s Offices by delivering in person the following documents:

  • Copy of the visa issued to enter Italy
  • Copy of passport;
  • Copy of Residence Permit or Receipt of Permit;
  • Copy of Tax Code, issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate or the Italian Embassy/Consulate with jurisdiction over your territory. Self-generated tax codes using Internet simulators are not allowed.
  • Original of the high school diploma (to access undergraduates programs), duly legalized by the Italian Embassy of the country in which the qualification was awarded, or apostilled by the competent administrative authority;
  • Original of the bachelor’s degree certificate (to access master's degree programs) duly legalized by the Italian Embassy of the country in which the degree was awarded, or apostilled by the competent administrative authority;
  • Translation of the diploma or degree into Italian or English, also legalized or apostille*;
  • Transcript of Records (TOR): transcript in Italian or English of the exams of your bachelor’s studies to enter a Master's degree program, or the transcript of the last three years of high school to enter a Bachelor's degree program;
  • Certificate of successful completion of the academic aptitude test, if required for university entrance in the country of origin;
  • Declaration of value issued by the Italian Embassy or, in its place, attestation of comparability issued by the center ENIC-NARIC Italian (Cimea).
  • B2 Italian language certificate, in case of enrollment in degree programs taught in Italian.
  • B2 English language certificate, in case of enrollment in degree programs taught in English

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