Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Event description

Kähler hyperbolic manifolds were introduced by Gromov around thirty years ago. In his seminal paper he showed that this class of Kähler manifolds enjoys several remarkable properties: for instance they are of general type, Kobayashi hyperbolic and their L2-Hodge (p,q)-numbers are positive if and only if p+q equals the complex dimension of the manifold. In this talk I will report about a recent joint work with S. Diverio, P. Eyssidieux and S. Trapani where we introduced a weak notion of Kähler hyperbolicity. I will explain the reasons behind our definition and I will show how some of the properties proved by Gromov for Kähler hyperbolic manifolds remain true in our more general setting. As a main application, I will describe how these ideas allow to give a positive answer to the Lang conjecture for Kähler hyperbolic manifolds.


Francesco Bei
Sapienza Università di Roma

Modalità di accesso

In presenza: Ingresso libero fino esaurimento posti

Fa parte di

AnaGrAM - Un progetto finanziato dalla Fondazione Cariparma
Campus - Plesso di Matematica
Ingresso libero fino esaurimento posti
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